(1) For a high-performance home, the minimum design and construction standards that must be met or exceeded for a dwelling to be considered a high-performance home, including but not limited to standards for the building envelope, HVAC systems, lighting, appliances, water conservation measures, use of sustainable building materials and on-site renewable energy systems. The criteria must also establish the minimum reduction in estimated net purchased energy that a dwelling must achieve to be considered a high-performance home.
(2) For a homebuilder-installed renewable energy system, the minimum performance and efficiency standards that a solar electric system, solar domestic water heating system, passive solar space heating system, wind power system, geothermal heating system, fuel cell system or other system utilizing renewable resources must achieve to be considered a homebuilder-installed renewable energy system.
(3) For a high-efficiency combined heat and power facility, the minimum performance and efficiency standards that the facility must achieve to be considered a high-efficiency combined heat and power facility.
(4) For a facility using or producing renewable energy resources, standards relating to criteria required under ORS 469B.136 (2).
(5) Standards, consistent with the definitions in ORS 469B.130, relating to what constitutes a single facility. [Formerly 469.197]