(1) Keep a record of the official acts of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services and, when required, lay the same and all matters relative thereto before each branch of the legislature.
(2) Affix the seal of the state to, and countersign all commissions and other official acts issued or done by the Governor, approbation by the Governor of the laws excepted, and make a register of such commissions, specifying to whom given or granted, the office conferred, with the date and tenor of the commission, in a book to be provided for that purpose.
(3) Be charged with the safekeeping of all enrolled laws and resolutions and not permit them to be taken out of the office or inspected, except in the presence of the Secretary of State, unless by order of the Governor, or by resolution of one or both houses of the legislature, under penalty of $100.
(4) Keep the office open during business hours at all times, Sundays excepted. [Amended by 2003 c.14 §72]