(A) The public utilities commission, for the purpose of ascertaining the reasonableness and justice of rates and charges for the service rendered by public utilities or railroads, or for any other purpose authorized by law, may investigate and ascertain the value of the property of any public utility or railroad in this state used or useful for the service and convenience of the public, using the same criteria that are set forth in section 4909.05 of the Revised Code. At the request of the legislative authority of any municipal corporation, the commission, after hearing and determining that such a valuation is necessary, may also investigate and ascertain the value of the property of any public utility used and useful for the service and convenience of the public where the whole or major portion of such public utility is situated in such municipal corporation.
(B) To assist the commission in preparing such a valuation, every public utility or railroad shall:
(1) Furnish to the commission, or to its agents, as the commission requires, maps, profiles, schedules of rates and tariffs, contracts, reports of engineers, and other documents, records, and papers, or copies of any of them, in aid of any investigation and ascertainment of the value of its property;
(2) Grant to the commission or its agents free access to all of its premises and property and its accounts, records, and memoranda whenever and wherever requested by any such authorized agent;
(3) Cooperate with and aid the commission and its agents in the work of the valuation of its property in such further particulars and to such extent as the commission requires and directs.
(C) The commission may make all rules which seem necessary to ascertain the value of the property and plant of each public utility or railroad.
Effective Date: 09-01-1976 .