1. No package or packaging component shall be offered for sale or for promotional purposes by a manufacturer or distributor which includes in the package itself, or in any packaging component, inks, dyes, pigments, adhesives, stabilizers or any other additives to which lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium has been included as an element during manufacture or distribution in excess of the concentration levels set forth in subdivision three of this section.
2. No product shall be offered for sale or for promotional purposes by a manufacturer or distributor in a package which includes, in the package itself or in any of its packaging components, inks, dyes, pigments, adhesives, stabilizers or any other additives to which lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium has been included as an element during manufacture or distribution in excess of the concentration levels set forth in subdivision three of this section.
3. The sum of the concentration levels of lead, cadmium, mercury or hexavalent chromium present in any package or packaging component shall not exceed the following prior to incineration:
600 parts per million by weight (0.06%), effective January 1, 1992
250 parts per million by weight (0.025%), effective January 1, 1993
100 parts per million by weight (0.01%), effective January 1, 1994.