81-680. Department; contracts and grants; authorized; data collection requirements.
(1) To carry out the duties assigned under sections 81-677 to 81-679, the Department of Health and Human Services may contract with or provide grants to private-sector entities.
(2) The health care data analysis section of the department shall negotiate with private-sector organizations currently collecting data on specific health conditions of interest to the section in order to obtain required data in a cost-effective manner and minimize administrative costs. The section shall support linkages between existing private-sector data bases and shall consider and implement methods to streamline data collection in order to reduce public-sector and private-sector administrative costs.
(3) The health care data analysis section shall use existing public-sector data bases, such as those existing for the medical assistance program and medicare, to the greatest extent possible. The section shall support linkages between existing public-sector data bases and consider and implement methods to streamline public-sector data collection in order to reduce public-sector and private-sector administrative costs.