77-913. Insurance Tax Fund; created; use; investment; allocation.
The Insurance Tax Fund is created. The State Treasurer shall receive the funds paid pursuant to Chapter 77, article 9, and except as provided in sections 77-912 and 77-918 shall keep all money received in the Insurance Tax Fund. Any money in the fund available for investment shall be invested by the state investment officer pursuant to the Nebraska Capital Expansion Act and the Nebraska State Funds Investment Act.
Prior to June 1 of each year, the State Treasurer shall disburse or allocate all of the funds in the Insurance Tax Fund on May 1 of each year as follows:
(1) Ten percent of the total shall be allocated to the counties proportionately in the proportion that the population of each county bears to the entire state, as shown by the last federal decennial census;
(2) Thirty percent of the total shall be allocated to the Municipal Equalization Fund; and
(3) Sixty percent of the total shall be allocated to the State Department of Education for distribution to school districts as equalization aid pursuant to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act as follows: The Commissioner of Education shall (a) include the amount certified by the State Treasurer pursuant to this section with the amount appropriated to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Fund for distribution in the ensuing school fiscal year, (b) include such amounts in the state aid certified to each school district pursuant to section 79-1022, and (c) distribute such funds as equalization aid under the provisions of the act during the ensuing fiscal year.
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