68-1511. Department; payment of support; provide assistance; providers of programs and services.
The department may, by agreement with the head of the family or disabled person, provide support pursuant to sections 68-1501 to 68-1519 (1) directly to the family or the disabled person, or (2) directly to qualified programs and services. The department shall assist each family or disabled person receiving support under sections 68-1501 to 68-1519 in locating qualified programs and services. The family or the disabled person may be required to be responsible for contracting for those programs and services which the department approves and shall furnish the department a copy of each contract. The family or the disabled person may compensate the providers of such programs and services directly. Providers of programs and services shall be required to comply with all standards established by the department for participation pursuant to sections 68-1501 to 68-1519.