28-414.01. Controlled substance; Schedule III, IV, or V; prescription; contents.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section or when administered directly by a practitioner to an ultimate user, a controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V of section 28-405 shall not be dispensed without a written, oral, or electronic medical order. Such medical order is valid for six months after the date of issuance. Original prescription information for any controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V of section 28-405 may be transferred between pharmacies for purposes of refill dispensing pursuant to section 38-2871.
(2) A prescription for controlled substances listed in Schedule III, IV, or V of section 28-405 must contain the following information prior to being filled by a pharmacist or dispensing practitioner: (a) Patient's name and address, (b) name of the drug, device, or biological, (c) strength of the drug or biological, if applicable, (d) dosage form of the drug or biological, (e) quantity of the drug, device, or biological prescribed, (f) directions for use, (g) date of issuance, (h) number of refills, including pro re nata or PRN refills, not to exceed five refills within six months after the date of issuance, (i) prescribing practitioner's name and address, and (j) Drug Enforcement Administration number of the prescribing practitioner. If the prescription is a written paper prescription, the paper prescription must contain the prescribing practitioner's manual signature. If the prescription is an electronic prescription, the electronic prescription must contain all of the elements in subdivisions (a) through (j) of this subsection, must be digitally signed, and must be transmitted to and received by the pharmacy electronically to meet all of the requirements of 21 C.F.R. 1311, as the regulation existed on January 1, 2014, pertaining to electronic prescribing of controlled substances.
(3) A controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V of section 28-405 may be dispensed pursuant to a facsimile of a written, signed paper prescription. The facsimile of a written, signed paper prescription shall serve as the original written prescription for purposes of this subsection and shall be maintained in accordance with subsection (2) of section 28-414.03.
(4) A prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule III, IV, or V of section 28-405 may be partially filled if (a) each partial filling is recorded in the same manner as a refilling, (b) the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings does not exceed the total quantity prescribed, and (c) each partial filling is dispensed within six months after the prescription was issued.