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U.S. State Codes
Title 61. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 8. Traffic Regulation
Part 5. Pedestrian Traffic
Part 5. Pedestrian Traffic
61-8-501. Pedestrians subject to traffic regulations
61-8-502. Pedestrians' right-of-way in crosswalk -- school children
61-8-503. Crossing at other than crosswalks
61-8-504. Operators to exercise due care
61-8-505. Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalk
61-8-506. Pedestrians on roadways and highways -- wheelchair use on highways
61-8-507. Pedestrian soliciting rides, business, or contributions
61-8-508. Intoxicated pedestrian
61-8-509. Pedestrian's right-of-way on sidewalks
61-8-510. through 61-8-514 reserved
61-8-515. Pedestrian to yield to authorized emergency vehicle
61-8-516. Operator of vehicle to yield to blind pedestrian
61-8-517. Pedestrians at railroad crossings