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U.S. State Codes
Title 23. Parks, Recreation...
Chapter 5. Gambling
Part 6. Video Gaming Machine Control Law
Part 6. Video Gaming Machine Control Law
23-5-601. Repealed
23-5-602. Definitions
23-5-603. Video gambling machines -- possession -- play -- restriction
23-5-604. reserved
23-5-605. Repealed
23-5-606. Repealed
23-5-607. Expected payback -- verification
23-5-608. Limitation on amount of money played and value of prizes -- payment of credits in cash -- ticket voucher expiration -- rules
23-5-609. Repealed
23-5-610. Video gambling machine gross income tax -- records -- distribution -- quarterly statement and payment
23-5-611. Machine permit qualifications -- limitations
23-5-612. Machine permits -- fees
23-5-613. Violations
23-5-614. Sale of video gambling machines
23-5-615. Repealed
23-5-616. Removal of machine from public access
23-5-617. Repealed
23-5-618. Repealed
23-5-619. reserved
23-5-620. Video gambling machines -- hours of play
23-5-621. Rules
23-5-622. Tampering with video gambling machine -- penalty
23-5-623. and 23-5-624 reserved
23-5-625. Video gambling machine manufacturer -- license -- fees -- restrictions
23-5-626. Repealed
23-5-627. Repealed
23-5-628. Inspection of premises, records, and devices
23-5-629. Permit for premises within 150 feet of another premises
23-5-630. reserved
23-5-631. Examination and approval of new video gambling machines and associated equipment -- fee
23-5-632. through 23-5-634 reserved
23-5-635. Repealed
23-5-636. Repealed
23-5-637. Approved automated accounting and reporting systems
23-5-638. Repealed
23-5-639. through 23-5-645 reserved
23-5-646. Terminated