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U.S. State Codes
Title 1. General Laws and D...
Chapter 3. Maxims of Jurisp...
Part 2. Text of Maxims
Part 2. Text of Maxims
1-3-201. Obsolete reason, obsolete rule
1-3-202. Same reason, same rule
1-3-203. Change in purpose
1-3-204. Waiver of benefit of law
1-3-205. Limit on rights
1-3-206. Consent
1-3-207. Acquiescence
1-3-208. Own wrong -- no advantage
1-3-209. Fraudulent dispossession
1-3-210. Acts on one's behalf
1-3-211. Acts of others
1-3-212. Benefit -- burden
1-3-213. Grant includes essentials
1-3-214. Wrong -- remedy
1-3-215. Equal in right or wrong
1-3-216. Preference to earliest
1-3-217. Beyond control
1-3-218. Vigilance
1-3-219. Form and substance
1-3-220. What ought to have been done
1-3-221. Apparent nonexistence
1-3-222. Impossibilities
1-3-223. Idle acts
1-3-224. Trifles
1-3-225. Particular versus general
1-3-226. Preference for contemporaneity
1-3-227. Smaller within larger
1-3-228. Superfluity
1-3-229. Certainty
1-3-230. Void act
1-3-231. Principal
1-3-232. Avoiding voidness
1-3-233. Reasonableness
1-3-234. Third parties -- who suffers