(1) Within fifteen (15) working days from the receipt by the department of full payment of a tax lien enrolled in the tax lien registry, including payment of any additionally accruing interest, penalty, fees and/or costs, the department shall file in the tax lien registry a notice of release of the tax lien being paid.
(2) In the event that a notice or release of tax lien is issued in error by the department and enrolled in the tax lien registry; or the form of payment received by the department is not honored and/or the transfer of payment to the department is not completed for any reason after the notice of release of tax lien is enrolled in the tax lien registry; or the department is required to return and/or turn over the payment received to the taxpayer or other person due to bankruptcy, a court order, or other proceedings after the notice of release of the tax lien issued is enrolled in the tax lien registry; the department, in its sole discretion, may enroll a new tax lien for the finally determined tax liabilities represented in the tax lien for which the tax lien was issued, including any additional accruing interest, penalty and/or fees to the date of the new enrollment. A notice of tax lien that is enrolled pursuant to this provision shall be fully enforceable as of the date of the new enrollment.