(a) Articles 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter may be cited as the State Trust Institution Charter Modernization Act.
(b) The express purposes of Articles 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter are to:
(1) Provide for the chartering of trust companies and to permit trust companies to act as fiduciaries and otherwise engage in the trust business in this state, provided that they are adequately capitalized, competently managed by persons of integrity, and supervised by the commissioner, all in order to ensure that such trust companies are operated in compliance with law, in a safe and sound manner and in a manner which protects their clients and customers and other consumers in this state;
(2) Improve service and reduce costs for trust institution clients and customers and other consumers in this state by modernizing state laws to permit the delegation by trust institutions of fiduciary functions but not fiduciary responsibility, authorize clients to designate any trust institution to act for them and to choose an appropriate state’s law to govern fiduciary instruments and investments, and protect consumers from excessive fees or undisclosed conflicts of interest of trust institutions and their affiliates; and
(3) Permit adequately capitalized and professionally managed trust companies serving only family members and their affiliated entities to operate as private trust companies which may not provide services to the general public.