Subdivision 1. Availability of contact person to staff. (a) A home care provider with a basic home care license must have a person available to staff for consultation on items relating to the provision of services or about the client.
(b) A home care provider with a comprehensive home care license must have a registered nurse available for consultation to staff performing delegated nursing tasks and must have an appropriate licensed health professional available if performing other delegated services such as therapies.
(c) The appropriate contact person must be readily available either in person, by telephone, or by other means to the staff at times when the staff is providing services.
Subd. 2. Supervision of staff; basic home care services. (a) Staff who perform basic home care services must be supervised periodically where the services are being provided to verify that the work is being performed competently and to identify problems and solutions to address issues relating to the staff's ability to provide the services. The supervision of the unlicensed personnel must be done by staff of the home care provider having the authority, skills, and ability to provide the supervision of unlicensed personnel and who can implement changes as needed, and train staff.
(b) Supervision includes direct observation of unlicensed personnel while the unlicensed personnel are providing the services and may also include indirect methods of gaining input such as gathering feedback from the client. Supervisory review of staff must be provided at a frequency based on the staff person's competency and performance.
(c) For an individual who is licensed as a home care provider, this section does not apply.
Subd. 3. Supervision of staff providing delegated nursing or therapy home care tasks. (a) Staff who perform delegated nursing or therapy home care tasks must be supervised by an appropriate licensed health professional or a registered nurse periodically where the services are being provided to verify that the work is being performed competently and to identify problems and solutions related to the staff person's ability to perform the tasks. Supervision of staff performing medication or treatment administration shall be provided by a registered nurse or appropriate licensed health professional and must include observation of the staff administering the medication or treatment and the interaction with the client.
(b) The direct supervision of staff performing delegated tasks must be provided within 30 days after the date on which the individual begins working for the home care provider and first performs delegated tasks for clients and thereafter as needed based on performance. This requirement also applies to staff who have not performed delegated tasks for one year or longer.
Subd. 4. Documentation. A home care provider must retain documentation of supervision activities in the personnel records.
Subd. 5. Exemption. This section does not apply to an individual licensed under sections 144A.43 to 144A.4798.
History: 2013 c 108 art 11 s 25; 2014 c 275 art 1 s 135; 1Sp2019 c 9 art 11 s 63