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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 554 - Real and Pers...
R.S. of 1846 Revised Statut...
R-S-1846-554-131-66 Chapter...
R-S-1846-554-131-66-GENERAL-PROVISIONS. General...
R-S-1846-554-131-66-GENERAL-PROVISIONS. General Provisions. (554.131...554.139)
Section 554.131 Rent; Liability of Person in Possession of Land.
Section 554.132 Rent; Assumpsit for Recovery.
Section 554.133 Rent; Other Remedies for Recovery.
Section 554.134 Termination of Estate at Will or by Sufferance or Tenancy From Year to Year.
Section 554.135 Aliens; Realty; Right to Acquire, Hold or Convey, Descent.
Section 554.136 Aliens; Effect of Prior Deals in Realty on Title.
Section 554.137 Remainderman or Reversioner; Right to Sue for Injury.
Section 554.138 Joint Tenant or Tenant in Common; Action Against Cotenant.
Section 554.139 Lease or License of Residential Premises; Covenants; Modifications; Liberal Construction, Inspection.