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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 325 - Health
Chapter 325 - Health
Act 146 of 1919 State Health Commissioner; State Council of Health (325.1 - 325.14)
Act 109 of 1907 Bacteriologist (325.21 - 325.24)
Act 164 of 1915 Branch Bacteriological Laboratory (325.31 - 325.33)
Act 105 of 1927 Biological Products (325.41 - 325.42)
Act 308 of 1927 Registration of Laboratories (325.51 - 325.53)
Act 312 of 1978 Critical Health Problems Reporting Act (325.71 - 325.79)
Act 235 of 1968 Licensing of Clinical Laboratories (325.81 - 325.92)
Act 62 of 1941 State Crime Detection Laboratory (325.101 - 325.103)
Act 15 of 1952 Laboratory in Kent County (325.121 - 325.123)
Act 39 of 1957 Confidential Medical Research Information (325.131 - 325.134)
Act 13 of 1959 Abolishment of Office of Hospital Survey and Construction (325.141 - 325.147)
Act 26 of 1959 Abolishment of Tuberculosis Sanatorium Commission (325.151 - 325.157)
Act 41 of 1959 Membership of State Council of Health (325.161 - 325.164)
Act 111 of 1961 Transfer of State Sanatorium at Howell (325.175 - 325.175)
Act 346 of 1968 Fluoridation of Water (325.191 - 325.192)
Act 98 of 1913 Sewerage Systems (325.201 - 325.214)
Act 294 of 1965 Water Wells and Well Pumps (325.221 - 325.240)
Act 136 of 1881 Privies and Water Closets (325.251 - 325.252)
Act 273 of 1939 Outhouses (325.271 - 325.274)
Act 243 of 1951 Servicing of Septic Tanks, Seepage Pits, or Cesspools (325.281 - 325.287)
Act 87 of 1965 Garbage and Refuse Disposal (325.291 - 325.300)
Act 210 of 1909 Railroad Passenger Coaches, Railroad Depots, and Vessels (325.302 - 325.307)
Act 181 of 1986 Septage Waste Servicers Act (325.311 - 325.332)
Act 241 of 1947 Humane Use of Animals for Experimental Purposes (325.401 - 325.406)
Act 305 of 1972 Radiation Control (325.451 - 325.462)
Act 113 of 1978 Radioactive Waste (325.491 - 325.492)
Act 278 of 1949 Hearing Screening Tests for Children (325.501 - 325.505)
Act 341 of 1965 Health Services for Children (325.511 - 325.511)
Act 119 of 1965 Phenylketonuria Test on Newborn Infants (325.521 - 325.524)
Act 335 of 1974 Diabetes Research Program (325.531 - 325.533)
Act 231 of 1955 Poliomyelitis Vaccine (325.551 - 325.556)
Act 7 of 1956 (Ex. Sess.) Poliomyelitis Vaccine (325.561 - 325.562)
Act 230 of 1966 Public Swimming Pools (325.601 - 325.620)
Act 218 of 1967 Public Bathing Beaches (325.631 - 325.635)
Act 171 of 1970 Campgrounds (325.651 - 325.665)
Act 22 of 1968 Alcoholism Program (325.701 - 325.707)
Act 56 of 1973 Substance Abuse Services Act (325.711 - 325.735)
Act 339 of 1974 Substance Abuse Assistance Act (325.751 - 325.766)
Act 269 of 1968 Food Service Establishments (325.801 - 325.813)
Act 273 of 1978 State Toxic Substance Loan Commission (325.831 - 325.845)
Act 459 of 1982 Toxic Substance Loan Repayment (325.851 - 325.858)
Act 124 of 1977 State Nutrition Act (325.871 - 325.877)
Act 264 of 1974 Health Maintenance Organization Act (325.901 - 325.947)
Act 399 of 1976 Safe Drinking Water Act (325.1001 - 325.1023)
Act 323 of 1978 Michigan Health Planning and Health Policy Development Act (325.2001 - 325.2031)
Act 288 of 1976 Emergency Medical Service System Act (325.3001 - 325.3012)
E.R.O. No. 1991-10 Executive Reorganization Order (325.3051 - 325.3051)