Section 83. For the purposes of defraying the costs of the division's research, management and other activities including administrative and operating expenses, and the cost of issuing the following resident and nonresident permits and any inspections relative thereto, resident and nonresident permit fees, the amounts which shall be determined by the secretary of administration and finance under the provisions of section three B of chapter seven for the filing thereof, shall be paid to the director or his agent by the person to whom the same is issued for any calendar year or part thereof.
A. Commercial Fisherman (For the taking of fish for sale)
Individual (For named individual only)
Rod and Reel — Unlimited (For the sale of fin fish lawfully taken by rod and reel or by diving)
Boat (100 feet or more in total length) (60 to 99 feet in total length) (Up to 59 feet in total length)
Lobster (For the taking of lobsters for sale)
Seasonal Lobster
B. Wholesale Dealer (Any wholesaler dealing in fresh or raw fish)
C. Retail Dealer (Any retailer dealing in fresh or raw fish)
D. Special Permits
Non–Commercial Lobster and Crab (Up to 10 pots and/or diving privileges)
Master Digger
Subordinate Digger
Regulated Fishery (For fishing in special areas)
Domestic Processing Vessel
Foreign Processing Vessel
Other — Miscellaneous
E. Duplicate (Replacing Original).