§2753. Powers
The board shall have the power to sue and be sued; to buy and sell; to exercise the right of expropriation; to own, maintain and operate property, both movable and immovable, to acquire servitudes, rights of way and flowage rights, to negotiate and execute contracts; to cooperate with the state of Louisiana or any agency or political subdivision thereof or with the government of the United States or any department or agency thereof on any basis that the board shall deem advisable for the joint or separate construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of pump facilities, pipelines, floodgages, water conveyors and other devices, equipment and property; to accept gifts or contributions of any nature from the state of Louisiana or the United States or any agency or political subdivision thereof; and to make and collect reasonable charges or fees for its services in connection with the water made available by any facilities provided by said board; provided, no charges shall be assessed against any municipality or other political subdivision, and that in exercising the powers and authority aforesaid, the board shall cooperate with, and shall act under the supervision and control of, the Louisiana Department of Public Works.
Added by Acts 1962, No. 308, §3.