439.335 Scientific means of personality analysis to be used to establish level, intensity, terms, and conditions of supervision. (1) In considering the granting of parole and the terms of parole, the parole board shall use the results from an inmate's validated risk and needs assessment and any other scientific means for personality analysis that may hereafter be developed. (2) The department shall use the results from an inmate's validated risk and needs assessment and any other scientific means for personality analysis that may hereafter be developed to define the level or intensity of supervision for parole, and to establish any terms or conditions of supervision imposed by the department in accordance with the administrative regulations adopted by the department pursuant to KRS 439.470 or as otherwise authorized by law. The terms and intensity of supervision shall be based on an individual's level of risk to public safety, criminal risk factors, and the need for treatment and other interventions. Effective: July 12, 2012 History: Amended 2012 Ky. Acts ch. 156, sec. 13, effective July 12, 2012. -- Amended 2011 Ky. Acts ch. 2, sec. 31, effective June 8, 2011. -- Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 606, sec. 167, effective July 15, 1998. -- Created 1966 Ky. Acts ch. 143, sec. 1.