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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 79 TAXATION
Article 18 LEVY OF TAXES
Article 18 LEVY OF TAXES
79-1801 Certification of city, county, township, school and other taxing subdivision levies, time; payments by county treasurer.
79-1802 Levies by county commissioners.
79-1803 Computation of tax levy rates by county clerk, when; delivery of tax rolls to county treasurer.
79-1804 When tax due; lien on real property.
79-1805 Payment of tax as between grantor and grantee.
79-1806 County clerk to transmit statement of levies to state director of property valuation; report and statement by director; report of taxes levied on and values of motor vehicles.
79-1807 Change in boundary of taxing district; effective for tax purposes, when.
79-1808 Special fund to pay special assessments on real estate owned by taxing unit or municipality; tax levy, use of proceeds.
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