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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 77 STATUTES; ADMINI...
77-415 Definitions; citation of act; exclusions; effect of certain adjudications and orders; guidance documents.
77-415a Secretary of state to file and publish rules and regulations; adoption of rules and regulations.
77-415b Rules and regulations continued in effect.
77-416 Filing rules and regulations; numbering; citation of statutory authority; economic impact statement; costs in excess of certain amounts; documents adopted by reference; review and approval of economic impact statement by director of the budget; environmental benefit and economic impact statement; authority of secretary of state; legislative post audit; audit.
77-417 Duties of secretary of state.
77-418 Filing rules and regulations, form.
77-419 Revival or amendment of regulations; filing and publication.
77-420 Director of the budget; economic impact statement; approval of rules and regulations; annual report to the legislature; approval of rules and regulations by secretary of administration and attorney general; requirements for filing with secretary of state.
77-420a Adoption of rules and regulations.
77-421 Notice and hearing; adoption procedure; new rulemaking, when required.
77-421b Proposed rules and regulations; copy for joint committee.
77-422 Temporary rules and regulations; requirements and grounds for adoption; numbering; effective date; expiration.
77-423 State board; creation; membership; powers and duties.
77-424 State rules and regulations board to determine which rules and regulations published in Kansas administrative regulations or annual supplement; reference to rules and regulations not published.
77-425 Effective date of permanent rules and regulations; effect of filing and publication; effect of revocation.
77-426 Existing rules and regulations continued in effect; effective date of permanent rules and regulations; filing with joint legislative committee; legislature may request revocation or amendment of rules and regulations.
77-428 Annual supplements; publication; contents; authentication.
77-429 Authentications; rules and regulation database; secretary of state duties.
77-430 Kansas administrative regulations; publication, distribution and sale; sale price fixed by secretary of state; disposition of receipts.
77-430a Kansas administrative regulations; replacement volumes; publication, distribution and sale.
77-431 Annual supplements to Kansas administrative regulations; publication, distribution and sale; sale price fixed by secretary of state; disposition of receipts.
77-432a Disposition of obsolete volumes and supplements.
77-433 Duplication and distribution of regulations by agency, when.
77-435 Editing of rules and regulations by secretary of state.
77-436 Joint committee on administrative rules and regulations; creation, membership and chairperson; meetings and quorum; duties; report to the legislature; compensation and expense allowances.
77-437 Rules and regulations of the secretary of corrections and Kansas adult authority subject to provisions of the rules and regulations filing act.
77-438 Guidance documents.