74-3219. Reciprocal agreements with colleges and universities of other states for mutual utilization of educational facilities. The state board of regents, hereafter called the board, may enter into and implement reciprocal agreements with colleges and universities, hereafter called institutions, located in other states, and with the boards or agencies having control and supervision over such institutions, for the mutual utilization of the educational facilities under the control of each of the parties to such reciprocal agreements to the extent hereinafter set forth. Such agreements shall provide that residents of the state of Kansas may be admitted to institutions located in other states, such institutions being under the control of the contracting parties or any of them, for the purpose of pursuing courses of collegiate, graduate, or professional study not offered by any of the institutions under the control of the board and that residents of such other states may be admitted to institutions under the control of the board to pursue courses of collegiate, graduate or professional study not offered by institutions under the control of such other contracting party or parties. The powers herein conferred upon the board shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
(1) To agree that residents of the state of Kansas may matriculate and pursue courses of collegiate, graduate or professional study, not offered at any institution under the control of the board, on such terms and conditions and upon payment of such tuition or fees as are applicable to residents of such other state, subject only to such limitations as may be imposed by agreement of the parties;
(2) To agree that residents of other states, whose institutions are parties to agreements made hereunder, may matriculate and pursue courses of collegiate, graduate or professional study, not offered at institutions under the control of such other contracting party or parties, at institutions under the control of the board upon such terms and conditions and upon payment of such fees as are applicable to residents of the state of Kansas;
(3) To agree upon limitations upon the number of students to be admitted, under the provisions of this act, to institutions under the control of any of the contracting parties;
(4) To agree upon subsidies and other stipends payable by each party to institutions under the control of the other party or parties under the terms of agreements entered into pursuant to this act;
(5) To authorize payment of subsidies and other stipends, within the limits of available appropriations, agreed upon pursuant to clause (4) hereof;
(6) To authorize the acceptance, by institutions under its control, of subsidies and stipends paid by other parties pursuant to agreements made under clause (4) hereof; and
(7) To do such other acts as may be necessary to carry out provisions of agreements entered into pursuant to this act.
History: L. 1963, ch. 436, § 1; June 30.