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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 74 STATE BOARDS, CO...
74-3201a Kansas higher education coordination act; citation and purpose.
74-3201b Definitions.
74-3202a State board of regents; establishment; composition; appointment; terms; qualifications; meetings; compensation and expenses.
74-3202b Same; meetings; quorum.
74-3202c Same; powers, duties and functions; preservation of certain powers, duties and functions of community college boards of trustees.
74-3202d Same; performance indicators, review; core indicators of quality performance; selection of determinants for state moneys; institutional improvement plans; performance agreements; new state funds, requirements for receipt.
74-3203a Chief executive officer of state board; appointment; salary; duties.
74-3204a Treasurer of state board.
74-3205d Commission for higher education coordination; meetings; powers and duties; expiration date, certain provisions; powers and duties transferred to state board; other advisory bodies authorized.
74-3206 Acceptance of money and land for 4-H club camps and similar camps.
74-3209 Traffic and parking at state educational institutions; control, maintenance, supervision; definitions.
74-3210 Same; issuance of permits and allocation of space; fees; removal and impounding of vehicles, when; lien.
74-3211 Same; rules and policies, adoption and enforcement.
74-3212 Same; application of city ordinances, when; prosecutions in municipal court.
74-3213 Same; fees; disposition.
74-3215 Same; unlawful acts; penalty.
74-3216 Same; prosecutions.
74-3219 Reciprocal agreements with colleges and universities of other states for mutual utilization of educational facilities.
74-3220 Same; approval; filing.
74-3221 Reciprocal agreements by board of regents with governing boards of colleges and universities in other states or countries for pursuing courses of collegiate, graduate or professional study; terms; cancellation; approval of governor; filing.
74-3229 Students' advisory committee; establishment; composition; terms; powers and duties; expenses.
74-3230 Transfer of functions of state education commission to state board of regents.
74-3231 References to state education commission applied to board of regents.
74-3232 Official state agency; federal programs.
74-3233 Administration of tuition grant program.
74-3234 Administration of state scholarship program.
74-3235 Administration of higher education student loan guarantee act.
74-3236 Board or commission; appointment in compliance with federal requirements; functions; compensation and expenses.
74-3237 Transfer of appropriations and funds.
74-3238 Transfer of powers, duties, functions, records and property.
74-3239 Successor to powers, duties and functions of state education commission; acts to retain force and effect.
74-3240 Rules and regulations, state plans, orders and directives continued in effect until revised, amended, revoked or nullified.
74-3241 Rights of persons and institutions retained; applications for participation in certain programs continued in effect.
74-3242 Certain employees serving on July 1, 1975, transferred to employ of board of regents; retention of retirement and civil service benefits.
74-3243 Conflicts as to disposition of powers, functions, duties or funds of commission resolved by governor.
74-3244 Rights in judicial and administrative proceedings saved.
74-3245 Purchase of liability insurance for certain persons authorized.
74-3254 Authority to sell property devised to board of regents or state educational institution; investment of proceeds.
74-3255 Reserve officers' training corps programs; definitions.
74-3256 Same; administration; rules and regulations; service scholarships, award, amount, limitations on number, alternate award.
74-3257 Same; qualification, determination of eligibility; semester limitation.
74-3258 Same; selection of eligible students; duties of committee.
74-3259 Same; application; agreement requirements upon selection for scholarship.
74-3260 Same; failure to maintain eligibility; repayment, interest rate; alternative service.
74-3260a Same; service scholarship program fund, service scholarship repayment fund; creation, sources, expenditures.
74-3261a Same; obligations postponed, when; satisfaction of obligations.
74-3262 Defunct educational institutions; student records; definitions.
74-3263 Same; administration by board of regents; powers and duties.
74-3264 Authority to grant easements; conditions.
74-3265 Osteopathic medical service scholarships; duration; amount; practice commitment; limitation on number of awards.
74-3266 Osteopathic medical service scholarships; agreements; practice obligation; service or employment, part-time; definitions of state medical facility or institution, approved postgraduate residency training program, and medically underserved area.
74-3267 Same; failure to satisfy obligation; repayment; interest rate.
74-3267a Same; repayment fund, creation, expenditures.
74-3268 Same; obligation postponed or satisfied, when.
74-3268a Same; failure to satisfy obligation due to practice in state other than Kansas; waiver of repayment requirement, when.
74-3270 Guaranteed admission of Kansas residents at schools of optometry.
74-3271 Optometry schools or colleges, guaranteed admission of Kansas residents; agreements; practice obligation.
74-3272 Same; failure to satisfy obligation; repayment, interest rate; waiver, when.
74-3272a Optometry education repayment fund; administration.
74-3273 Same; repayment obligation postponed or satisfied, when.
74-3274 Kansas work-study program; establishment; career and YES components; purposes.
74-3275 Same; definitions.
74-3276 Same; administration of act; rules and regulations; guidelines and procedures.
74-3277 Same; operation and management of program; reports; use of moneys appropriated for program.
74-3277a Same; agreements with school districts for youth education services; payments.
74-3278 Kansas distinguished scholarship program; definitions.
74-3279 Same; award of scholarships, qualifications, duration.
74-3280 Same; amount of scholarships.
74-3281 Same; payment of scholarships; certification of enrollment; discontinued attendance of scholar.
74-3282 Same; administration; duties of state board of regents.
74-3283 Same; duties and responsibilities of scholarship applicants.
74-3284 Kansas ethnic minority scholarship program; definitions.
74-3285 Same; designation of scholars; award of scholarships; apportionment procedure; subsequent applications; duration of effectiveness.
74-3286 Same; amount of scholarship; semester limitation; eligibility for other financial aid.
74-3287 Same; administration; duties of state board of regents.
74-3288 Same; duties and responsibilities of applicants.
74-3289 Same; payment of scholarships; certification of enrollment; discontinued attendance of scholar.
74-3291 Citation of act.
74-3292 Definitions.
74-3293 Establishment of program; categories and limitation on number of scholarships; determination of recipients; duration and amount of awards.
74-3294 Scholarship applications; agreements; service obligations, failure to satisfy; sponsorships.
74-3295 Service obligation; repayment upon failure to satisfy, interest rate.
74-3296 Same; postponement, reasons for; when satisfied.
74-3297 Sponsorship agreements; terms, conditions, obligations; rules and regulations; annual report.
74-3298 Nursing service scholarship program fund, creation, expenditures; repayment fund, creation, expenditures.
74-3299 Nursing service scholarship review committee; composition and appointment; terms; organization; powers and duties; meetings; expenses and allowances.
74-32,100 Title and citation of act.
74-32,101 Definitions.
74-32,102 Establishment; award of scholarships; determination of student qualifications; amount and duration of awards.
74-32,103 Scholarship applicants; required information; precedent condition; agreement; obligations.
74-32,104 Failure to satisfy obligations; repayment; interest; disposition of repaid amounts.
74-32,105 Obligations postponed, when; satisfaction of obligations.
74-32,106 Administration; rules and regulations; establishment of agreement terms, conditions and obligations.
74-32,107 Teacher service scholarship program fund; teacher service scholarship repayment fund; creation, sources, expenditures.
74-32,107b Teacher education competitive grant program; administration; match requirements.
74-32,107c Same; expenditure of moneys.
74-32,107d Same; reports to the legislature.
74-32,112 Citation of act; legislative findings and declaration of intention.
74-32,113 Definitions.
74-32,114 Award and renewal of fellowships; determination of qualification for award; amount; duration.
74-32,115 Obligations of applicants; agreements.
74-32,116 Failure to satisfy obligations; repayment, interest, disposition of amounts.
74-32,117 Obligation postponed, when; satisfaction of obligation.
74-32,118 Administration of program; rules and regulations; agreement terms, conditions, and obligations; annual review and recommendations to legislature.
74-32,119 Ethnic minority fellowship program fund; creation; administration.
74-32,120 Kansas comprehensive grant program; definitions.
74-32,121 Same; award of grants; limitations; determination of semester equivalence.
74-32,122 Same; amount of grants.
74-32,123 Same; payment of grants; certification of student enrollment and eligibility; disposition of amounts.
74-32,124 Same; administration of program; duties of state board of regents.
74-32,125 Same; responsibilities of grant applicants.
74-32,131 Citation of act.
74-32,132 Definitions.
74-32,133 Advanced practice registered nurse service scholarships; limitations; determination of individuals qualified; awarding; amounts.
74-32,134 Same; applications; recipient obligations; agreements.
74-32,135 Same; failure to satisfy obligations; repayment; interest.
74-32,136 Same; obligation postponed, when; satisfaction of obligation.
74-32,137 Same; agreement terms, conditions and obligations; criteria for financial assistance evaluation; rules and regulations.
74-32,138 Same; advanced practice registered nurse service scholarship program fund; administration.
74-32,139 Abolition of former state board of regents and office of executive officer.
74-32,139a Same; conclusion of operations.
74-32,139b Same; transfer of powers, duties and functions; application of statutory and documentary references; rules and regulations, policies, orders and directives saved; succession to property rights.
74-32,139c Same; transfer of officers and employees; retention of rights and benefits; effective at start of payroll period.
74-32,139d Same; resolution of conflicts by governor.
74-32,139e Same; custody of records and documents; rights in civil and criminal actions preserved.
74-32,139f Same; transfer of appropriations; liability for compensation and salaries of officers and employees.
74-32,140 Community colleges; supervision and coordination; powers, duties and functions of boards of trustees preserved.
74-32,141 Technical colleges, area vocational schools, area vocational-technical schools; supervision and coordination; powers, duties and functions of governing boards preserved.
74-32,142 Proprietary schools; regulation of operations; powers, duties and functions of owners, officers, directors, agents and representatives preserved.
74-32,143 Adult education programs; supervision and administration; state plan preserved; powers, duties and functions of governing boards preserved.
74-32,144 Transition period.
74-32,145 Kansas national guard educational assistance act; citation and purpose.
74-32,146 Same; definitions.
74-32,147 Same; administration; rules and regulations; duties of board of regents and adjutant general.
74-32,148 Same; entitlement to assistance; amount; duration; limitations.
74-32,149 Same; qualification for participation; service agreements; failure to satisfy agreements.
74-32,150 Same; repayment fund.
74-32,151 Workforce development loan program act; board of regents; contributions and appropriations; qualifications.
74-32,152 Workforce development loan conditions and requirements; agreement of parties; repayment, completion of degree, certificate or diploma.
74-32,153 Completion of program of study; forgiveness of workforce development loan; interest rates.
74-32,154 Failure to satisfy obligation; repayment obligation terms and interest; delinquent payments.
74-32,155 Workforce development loan fund; deposits and expenditures.
74-32,156 State treasurer's duties; rules and regulations.
74-32,157 Postponement of payments due; circumstances causing; documentation, satisfaction of loan terms.
74-32,158 Effect of subsequent compliance to terms of the agreement terms; effect of noncompliance after period of compliance.
74-32,159 Rules and regulations.
74-32,160 Funding of workforce development loan program; secretary for children and families duties.
74-32,161 Definitions; enrollment; eligibility; foster children; reimbursement to Kansas education institution; report to legislative committees; tuition waiver gifts, grants and reimbursements fund; expenditures; rules and regulations.
74-32,162 Title and citation of act.
74-32,163 Definitions.
74-32,164 Institutions and courses exempt from act.
74-32,165 Rules and regulations; institutions qualified to award academic degrees, standards; information from state agencies.
74-32,167 Certificate of approval required prior to awarding a degree, certificate or diploma; contracts unenforceable, when.
74-32,168 Certificate of approval, application; branch institutions.
74-32,169 Certificate of approval; compliance with minimum standards required.
74-32,170 Certificate of approval; application, contents; term; renewal; notice of intent to nonrenew.
74-32,171 Refusal to issue certificate; appeal.
74-32,172 Same; revocation or imposition of conditions; notice; hearing.
74-32,173 Same; judicial review; violations of act, injunction.
74-32,174 Institution's representative, registration with state board; renewal, denial, or revocation of registration.
74-32,175 Surety bond or certificate of evidence of insurance.
74-32,177 Prohibited acts; criminal penalty.
74-32,178 Violations of act; Kansas consumer protection act; injunctions; civil fine.
74-32,179 Failure to comply with act; refund of money, interest; contracts, void.
74-32,180 Promissory instruments as payment of tuition.
74-32,181 Fees.
74-32,182 Private and out-of-state postsecondary educational institution fee fund.
74-32,183 Severability.
74-32,184 Statewide data collection system.
74-32,194 State authorization reciprocity agreement; authority, powers and duties of the state board of regents; state authorization reciprocity fund; rules and regulations.
74-32,195 Tuition assistance for persons who were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned; enrollment; eligibility; reimbursement for additional fees; rules and regulations.
74-32,219 Nurse educator service scholarship program act.
74-32,220 Same; definitions.
74-32,221 Same; establishment of program; amount and duration of awards; match requirements.
74-32,222 Same; conditions; agreement; obligations.
74-32,223 Same; failure to satisfy obligations; repayment.
74-32,224 Same; obligation postponed, when; satisfaction of obligation.
74-32,225 Same; rules and regulations.
74-32,226 Same; program fund, creation, sources of revenue, expenditures.
74-32,227 Military service scholarship program act.
74-32,228 Same; definitions.
74-32,229 Same; establishment of program; amount and duration of awards.
74-32,230 Same; application; conditions.
74-32,231 Same; rules and regulations.
74-32,232 Same; program fund.
74-32,233 Definitions.
74-32,234 Awarding state scholarships; limitation; determination of equivalent of semesters.
74-32,235 Amount of state scholarship equal to financial need; limitation.
74-32,236 Payment of state scholarships; certification; approval; disposition upon discontinued attendance of student.
74-32,237 Administration of act by state board of regents; rules and regulations; apportionment; reports.
74-32,238 Applications for scholarships; financial needs analysis statements.
74-32,239 Financial resources to include Kansas comprehensive grants.
74-32,240 Purpose and intention of act.
74-32,241 Definitions.
74-32,242 Award of honors scholarships; limitation; amount.
74-32,243 Administration of act; rules and regulations; duties of state board of regents.
74-32,244 Payment of honors scholarships; certification of enrollment; discontinued attendance of student.
74-32,245 Applicants for scholarships, duties and responsibilities.
74-32,246 Name of act.
74-32,247 Administration by state board of regents.
74-32,248 Agreements authorized; special deposits of student loan reserve fund.
74-32,249 Powers of state board of regents.
74-32,250 Employees.
74-32,251 Written obligations for repayment of loans binding upon minors.
74-32,252 Higher education loan program for students and parents of students; administration by nonprofit corporation; revenue bonds and interest exempt from taxation.
74-32,253 Definitions.
74-32,254 Acceptance of benefits of federal law; administration and supervision by state board; state plan; agreements with federal agencies authorized.
74-32,255 State and federal funds; allocation and distribution; where deposited; payments; rules and regulations.
74-32,256 Basic education programs; establishment and operation by local boards; standards and criteria; cooperative agreements.
74-32,257 Establishment and operation agreements with state board; approval of applications and programs.
74-32,258 Determination of entitlements; learning needs survey.
74-32,259 Tax levy authorized; limitations; disposition of proceeds; adult education fund; protest petition.
74-32,260 Rules and regulations; records; reports.
74-32,261 Supplementary education programs; establishment, maintenance; tuition, fees; fund, establishment and sources; expenses.
74-32,262 Teacher qualifications; certificate of accomplishment; regulations; participation by nonresidents; authority of teachers and administrators.
74-32,263 General educational development credentials; verification of credentials; fees, amount and disposition; fees fund, establishment, expenditures.
74-32,264 Text of compact.
74-32,265 Kansas members of the midwestern higher education commission; terms; vacancies.
74-32,266 Expiration of act upon failure of compact effectuation.
74-32,301 Disability history and awareness.
74-32,302 College level examination program credit hours; policy.
74-32,303 Degree prospectus; requirements; publication; definitions.
74-32,304 Federal funds for higher education; powers and duties of state board of regents.
74-32,401 Postsecondary technical education authority; membership qualifications; vacancies; meetings; compensation.
74-32,402 Same; powers and duties; credit hour funding distribution formula; vice-president of workforce development and executive director of authority.
74-32,403 Same; duties of state board of regents.
74-32,404 Same; expiration of provisions.
74-32,405 Acceptance of federal act; state board to prepare state plan and supervise administration.
74-32,406 Purpose of act.
74-32,407 Definitions.
74-32,408 State plan for career and technical education.
74-32,409 Contracts for research in career technical education.
74-32,410 Allocation and distribution of state and federal funds.
74-32,411 Johnson county area vocational-technical school; presentation of plan for establishment authorized; required information; conditions.
74-32,412 Workforce investment act, participation.
74-32,413 Definitions.
74-32,414 Career technical education capital outlay fund; use of money.
74-32,415 Career technical education capital outlay aid; determination of amounts; payments and disposition; overpayments and underpayments.
74-32,416 Transfers from operating fund authorized; operating budget, certain prohibitions.
74-32,417 Definitions.
74-32,418 Kansas training information program, establishment and administration; rules and regulations; reports; advisory committee; forms.
74-32,419 Transmittal of certain information required, when; availability of certain information to enrollees.
74-32,420 Agreements for transferability of courses and programs; approval; criteria.
74-32,421 Policy requiring articulation agreements; adoption by state board of regents.
74-32,422 Statewide articulation agreement, development.
74-32,423 Definitions.
74-32,424 Awarding of career technical workforce grants; eligibility and qualifications.
74-32,425 Amount of grant; payment upon certification of full-time enrollment; limitations.
74-32,426 Administration of act; rules and regulations.
74-32,427 Payment of grants; times and method; disposition upon discontinued attendance of an eligible student; career technical workforce grant discontinued attendance fund.
74-32,428 Responsibilities of applicants.
74-32,429 Definitions.
74-32,430 Kansas technology innovation and internship program, establishment; administration; purposes; grants, award and conditions; rules and regulations.
74-32,431 Technical colleges, grants; certification of enrolled credit hours, when.
74-32,432 Same; proration of insufficient appropriation for non-tiered grant aid, when; overpayments; underpayments.
74-32,433 Career technical education programs located outside service area.
74-32,434 Performance-based incentive payments for certain postsecondary educational institutions; eligibility; amount of payment.
74-32,435 Dues payments to certain associations and organizations authorized; area vocational-technical schools.
74-32,451 Supervision by state board; rules and regulations.
74-32,452 Governing body; powers and duties.
74-32,453 Contracts; indemnification or hold harmless provisions, void.
74-32,454 Contracts; governed by Kansas law.
74-32,455 Contracts; mandatory provisions.
74-32,456 Applicability of statutes; provision of career technical vocational education courses and programs; supremacy of act.
74-32,457 Change in designation or name of technical college.
74-32,458 Wichita state university campus of applied sciences and technology; official designation.
74-32,459 Wichita state university campus of applied sciences and technology; affiliation and approval thereof; designation; governing body; programs; admissions.
74-32,460 Flint Hills technical college; official designation.
74-32,461 North Central Kansas technical college; official designation.
74-32,462 Manhattan area technical college; official designation.
74-32,463 Northeast Kansas technical college; official designation.
74-32,464 Northwest Kansas technical college; official designation.
74-32,465 Salina area technical college; official designation.
74-32,466 Faculty members and employees; protection of salary and benefits.
74-32,467 Technical schools; plans for accreditation or merger with postsecondary educational institution.
74-32,468 Technical colleges; quality performance grants, eligibility and amount.