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U.S. State Codes
Title 9. Motor Vehicles
Article 24. Drivers Licenses
Chapter 18. General Penalty Provisions
Chapter 18. General Penalty Provisions
9-24-18-0.5. Court reports of suspension or revocation of driving privileges
9-24-18-1. Driving without a license
9-24-18-2. Misuse of licenses and permits; use of false information; inauthentic licenses and permits
9-24-18-3. Permitting unlicensed individual to drive
9-24-18-4. Permitting unlawful operation of vehicle
9-24-18-5. Repealed
9-24-18-6. Required licenses; enforcement proceedings; burden of proof
9-24-18-7. Repealed
9-24-18-7.5. Counterfeiting or false reproduction of driver's license
9-24-18-8. Repealed
9-24-18-9. Driving records; unlicensed persons
9-24-18-10. Interstate compacts and agreements; offenses subject to
9-24-18-11. Repealed
9-24-18-12. Repealed
9-24-18-12.2. Bureau shall suspend minor's driving privileges upon receipt of court order; period of suspension