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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 4.5. Transportation...
Chapter 4. Acquisition of Abandoned Rights-of-W...
Chapter 4. Acquisition of Abandoned Rights-of-Way by the State
8-4.5-4-1. Acquisition of railroad's interest
8-4.5-4-1.5. Assistance in acquisition of railroad's interest
8-4.5-4-2. Purposes of acquisition
8-4.5-4-3. County meeting to consider acquisitions
8-4.5-4-4. Factors to be considered
8-4.5-4-5. Repealed
8-4.5-4-6. Acquisition
8-4.5-4-7. Deposit of revenues
8-4.5-4-8. Acquisition for recreational purpose