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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 1. Utilities Generally
Chapter 1.5. Utility Regulatory Commission Nomi...
Chapter 1.5. Utility Regulatory Commission Nominating Committee
8-1-1.5-0.3. Validation of certain actions taken before March 5, 1985
8-1-1.5-1. Purpose; intent
8-1-1.5-2. Definitions
8-1-1.5-3. Establishment; members; terms; vacancies; notice
8-1-1.5-4. Term of office; reappointment
8-1-1.5-5. Vacancy on public service commission; notice; meeting; nomination of candidates; appointment
8-1-1.5-6. Candidates; evaluation; list of nominees for commission vacancy; number
8-1-1.5-7. Meetings; rules
8-1-1.5-8. Death or withdrawal of nominee; renomination of replacement
8-1-1.5-9. Investigators and experts; aid of governor's staff; appropriation
8-1-1.5-10. Compensation; expenses