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U.S. State Codes
Title 5. State and Local Ad...
Article 1. Bonds and Other ...
Chapter 14. Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter 14. Miscellaneous Provisions
5-1-14-1. Bonds, notes, or warrants not subject to maximum interest rate limitations
5-1-14-1.2. Issuer defined
5-1-14-1.3. Definitions
5-1-14-1.5. Obligations defined
5-1-14-2. Provisions for payment of bonds, notes, or warrants before maturity date
5-1-14-3. Maintenance of federal tax exclusion from gross income for interest on bonds
5-1-14-4. Pledge made by issuer binding; lien
5-1-14-5. Bond anticipation notes; issuance
5-1-14-6. Use of proceeds for costs of issuance of obligation, funding debt services reserves, or payment of interest; reimbursements
5-1-14-7. Application of section; stadium; lease rental tax
5-1-14-8. Money withheld by auditor as not creating debt for constitutional purposes
5-1-14-9. Rights of owners of obligations not to be impaired
5-1-14-10. Maximum term or repayment period of obligations; continuation of payments
5-1-14-11. Payment of fees and charges authorized
5-1-14-12. Refunding obligations
5-1-14-12.5. Purchase and issuance of obligations on terms reasonable to issuer
5-1-14-13. Contesting validity of obligations
5-1-14-14. Loans, expenditures, and issuance of bonds for economic development
5-1-14-15. Bonds and obligations to fund pension benefits
5-1-14-16. Payment of principal and interest on obligations in nearly equal payment amounts and at regular designated intervals; exceptions
5-1-14-17.2. Bond financing; swap agreement restrictions