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U.S. State Codes
Title 36. Local Government
Article 2. Government of Co...
Chapter 11. County Recorder
Chapter 11. County Recorder
36-2-11-1. Application of chapter
36-2-11-2. Residence; term of office
36-2-11-2.5. Training
36-2-11-3. Location of office; business hours and days
36-2-11-4. Legal action on days office is closed
36-2-11-5. Delivery of instruments left for record on expiration of term
36-2-11-6. Demand of fees; overpayment of fees; refund
36-2-11-7. Return of instrument to presenter
36-2-11-7.5. Personal liability for dishonored checks
36-2-11-8. Record of instruments in order received; public access; copies; contaminated instruments
36-2-11-9. Entry book; contents
36-2-11-10. Recording requirements
36-2-11-11. Repealed
36-2-11-12. Grantor and grantee index; separate indexes for deeds and mortgages; requisites
36-2-11-13. Plat or instrument of title to real property recorded in county where plat or property not located
36-2-11-14. Auditor's endorsement required for recording of deed of partition, conveyance of land, or affidavits of transfer to real estate; violation
36-2-11-14.5. Recording of purchase contracts involving manufactured homes and mobile homes
36-2-11-15. Instruments that may be received for record or filing; name of person or governmental agency that prepared instrument
36-2-11-16. Requirements for instruments to be received and recorded
36-2-11-16.5. Requirements for instrument or document presented for recording; not applicable to certain instruments or documents
36-2-11-17. Recording of name of farm; description; conveyance; cancellation
36-2-11-18. Marginal entries; satisfaction, cancellation, or assignment; entry in entry book or electronic index
36-2-11-19. Affidavit; recording in miscellaneous records; record as prima facie evidence
36-2-11-20. Memorandum of lease or memorandum of contract; recording; effect
36-2-11-21. Repealed
36-2-11-22. Certified copy of matter relating to bankruptcy; recording in miscellaneous records
36-2-11-23. Official seal
36-2-11-24. List of recorded mortgage releases
36-2-11-25. Federal liens; notice; filing; certificate of discharge; recording; exemption from redaction requirements
36-2-11-26. Social Security number on instruments presented for recording
36-2-11-27. Payments to county recorder; transaction fees; contracting with payment processing companies authorized