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U.S. State Codes
Title 23. Business and Othe...
Article 19. Indiana Uniform...
Chapter 4.1. Financially Vulnerable Adult
Chapter 4.1. Financially Vulnerable Adult
23-19-4.1-1. "Financial exploitation"
23-19-4.1-2. Repealed
23-19-4.1-2.1. "Financially vulnerable adult"
23-19-4.1-3. "Immediate family member"
23-19-4.1-4. "Protective agencies"
23-19-4.1-5. "Qualified individual"
23-19-4.1-6. Suspected financial exploitation of financially vulnerable adult; duty of qualified individual to report and notify commissioner; authorized additional notifications
23-19-4.1-7. Qualified individual's authority to refuse to disburse funds; notice to protective agencies and parties on account; expiration of refusal; court order extending refusal or providing protective relief
23-19-4.1-8. Immunity for broker-dealers, investment advisers, and qualified individuals; authority of commissioner to access books and records not impeded
23-19-4.1-9. Authority of broker-dealers and investment advisers to provide relevant records to protective agencies or law enforcement; records confidential
23-19-4.1-10. Training resources for broker-dealers, investment advisers, and qualified individuals; availability on secretary of state's web site
23-19-4.1-11. Commissioner's authority to adopt rules