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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 4. Unemployment Com...
Chapter 18. Department of Workforce Development...
Chapter 18. Department of Workforce Development; Indiana Unemployment Insurance Board
22-4-18-1. Creation of department; powers and duties related to unemployment insurance program; reports to general assembly and interim study committee
22-4-18-1.5. Repealed
22-4-18-2. Repealed
22-4-18-2.4. Expired
22-4-18-2.5. Expired
22-4-18-3. Repealed
22-4-18-4. Administration of programs
22-4-18-4.2. Requirement that administrative law judges be licensed attorneys
22-4-18-4.5. Annual report of claims involving domestic or family violence
22-4-18-5. Repealed
22-4-18-6. Repealed
22-4-18-7. Repealed
22-4-18-8. Repealed