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U.S. State Codes
Title 12. Human Services
Article 30. County Homes an...
Chapter 2. Management and Staffing of County Homes
Chapter 2. Management and Staffing of County Homes
12-30-2-1. Superintendent; term of office; removal
12-30-2-2. Superintendent; qualifications
12-30-2-3. Superintendent; nepotism
12-30-2-4. Superintendent; bond
12-30-2-5. Superintendent; removal for cause; record; appeal
12-30-2-6. Superintendent; salary; quarters and board
12-30-2-7. Management rules; employees; number and compensation
12-30-2-8. Inspections; report
12-30-2-9. Appointments; removal of officer or employee; prohibition on considerations for employment; delegation of duties
12-30-2-10. Management of home; best interests of county; labor by residents; excuse from labor; dismissal for refusing labor
12-30-2-11. Rules prescribed by the board of commissioners; suggestions made by division; reports
12-30-2-12. Biannual report to board of commissioners; contents
12-30-2-13. Excess produce; sales; proceeds; deposits; reports
12-30-2-14. Payment of officers and employees; materials and supplies; specific appropriations; void agreements
12-30-2-15. Itemized statements of payments for medical services of county home residents