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U.S. State Codes
Title 11. Corrections
Article 11. Correctional St...
Chapter 3. Correspondence, Censorship, and Visi...
Chapter 3. Correspondence, Censorship, and Visitation
11-11-3-1. Construction of terms
11-11-3-2. Unlimited correspondence; exceptions; prior approval
11-11-3-3. Repealed
11-11-3-4. Inspecting and reading correspondence; removal of items
11-11-3-5. Stationery, envelopes, and postage
11-11-3-6. Printed matter
11-11-3-7. Incoming and outgoing packages; inspection; notice of removal of funds, contraband, or prohibited property
11-11-3-8. Visitors; reasonable restriction
11-11-3-9. Visitors; prohibition; notice to confined person