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U.S. State Codes
612. Jurors
612. Jurors
612-1 Declaration of policy.
612-2 Prohibition of discrimination.
612-3 Definitions.
612-4 Grounds of qualification and disqualification.
612-5 Disqualification by interest.
612-6 Exempt when.
612-7 Excused when, for cause.
612-8 Pay of jurors; mileage fee; bus fare; parking violations exemption.
612-9 Certificate for jury pay.
612-10 REPEALED.
612-11 Master list.
612-12 Master jury wheel.
612-13 Juror qualification form.
612-14 Qualified jury wheel.
612-15 Certified jury lists.
612-16 Grand jury.
612-17 Trial jury.
612-18 Trial jury; additional requirements.
612-19 Summoning of prospective jurors.
612-20 Requests for exemption or excuse.
612-21 Jurors disqualified, exempted, or excused.
612-22 Trial jurors subject to one year of service; one day or one trial requirement.
612-23 Challenging compliance with selection procedures.
612-24 Preservation of records.
612-25 Protection of jurors' employment.
612-26 Use of electronic or other means for drawing grand and trial juries.
612-27 Rules.
612-51 Grand jury counsel; appointment and removal.
612-52 Grand jury counsel; qualifications.
612-53 Grand jury counsel; length of term; extension of term; limitation on reappointment.
612-54 Grand jury counsel; call to duty.
612-55 Grand jury counsel; compensation.
612-56 Grand jury counsel; disqualification.
612-57 Grand jury counsel; duties.
612-58 Grand jury proceedings.
612-59 Dismissal of indictment.
612-60 Grand jury counsel; court review.