(1) The number and ages of children in out-of-state residential facilities;
(2) The number and ages of children in in-state residential facilities;
(3) The number and ages of children in nonresidential treatment;
(4) Annual public funds expended for out-of-state placements, the sources of such funds, and the average cost per child of such out-of-state placement;
(5) Annual public funds expended for in-state residential placements, the sources of such funds, and their average cost per child of such in-state residential placement;
(6) Annual public funds expended for nonresidential treatment, the sources of such funds, and the average cost per child of such nonresidential treatment;
(7) The average length of stay in out-of-state and in-state placements; and
(8) The number and ages of children placed in out-of-home treatment compared to the total number of children in each county of the state.