(a) There is created the Georgia State Employees Post-employment Health Benefit Fund to provide for the costs of post-employment health insurance benefits. The fund shall be a trust fund of public funds; the board in its official capacity shall be the fund's trustee; and the commissioner in his or her official capacity shall be its administrator.
(b) On August 31, 2009, the board shall identify the funds held in the Georgia Retiree Health Benefit Fund created by Article 6 of this chapter for the payment of postretirement health benefits for state employees and shall on that date transfer such funds to the fund created by subsection (a) of this Code section.
(c) The fund shall be available and dedicated without fiscal year limitations for covered health care expenses and administration costs. All employer and fund beneficiary contributions, appropriations, earnings, and reserves for the payment of obligations under this part shall be irrevocably credited to the fund. The amounts remaining in the fund, if any, after such health care expenses and administration costs have been paid shall be retained in the fund as a special reserve for covered health care expenses and administration costs. The board shall determine the time and amounts of distributions from the special reserve for covered health care expenses and administration costs. All assets of the fund shall be used solely for the payment of fund obligations and for no other purpose and shall be protected from creditors of the state and the employers.