(1) "Actuarial accrued liability" means that portion, as determined by a particular actuarial cost method, of the actuarial present value of fund obligations and administrative expenses which is not provided for by future normal costs.
(2) "Actuarial assumptions" means assumptions regarding the occurrence of future events affecting costs of the fund such as mortality, withdrawal, disability, and retirement; changes in compensation and offered post-employment benefits; rates of investment earnings and asset appreciation or depreciation; procedures used to determine the actuarial value of assets; and other such relevant items.
(3) "Actuarial cost method" means a method for determining the actuarial present value of the obligations and administrative expenses of the fund and for developing an actuarially equivalent allocation of such value to time periods, usually in the form of a normal cost and an actuarial accrued liability. Acceptable actuarial methods are the aggregate, attained age, entry age, frozen attained age, frozen entry age, and projected unit credit methods.
(4) "Actuarial valuation" means the determination, as of a valuation date, of the normal cost, actuarial accrued liability, actuarial value of assets, and related actuarial present values for the fund.
(5) "Actuarially sound" means that calculated contributions to the fund are sufficient to pay the full actuarial cost of the fund. The full actuarial cost includes both the normal cost of providing for fund obligations as they accrue in the future and the cost of amortizing the unfunded actuarial accrued liability over a period of no more than 30 years.
(6) "Administrative expenses" means all expenses incurred in the operation of the fund, including all investment expenses.
(7) "Annual required contribution" means the amount determined in accordance with requirements of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 43 or any subsequent Governmental Accounting Standards Board statements that may be applicable to the fund.
(8) "Board" means the Board of Community Health.
(9) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of community health.
(10) "Covered health care expenses" means all actual health care expenses incurred by the health plan on behalf of fund beneficiaries. Actual health care expenses include claims incurred by fund beneficiaries and providers and premiums incurred by intermediary entities and health care providers by the health plan.
(11) "Department" means the Department of Community Health.
(12) "Eligible to participate" means employees of employers who are participating in the health plan and those employees of employers who qualify to participate in the health plan but choose not to do so.
(13) "Employer" means the entity with which the fund beneficiary had the direct, in the case of employees, or indirect, in the case of dependents, employment relationship that gave rise to the fund beneficiary's eligibility for post-employment health benefits under the health plan.
(14) "Fund" means the Georgia State Employees Post-employment Health Benefit Fund established under this part.
(15) "Fund beneficiaries" means all persons receiving post-employment health care benefits as retirees or derivatively through retirees through the health plan.
(16) "Health plan" means the state employees' health insurance plan established under Part 1 of this article.
(17) "Normal cost" means that portion of the actuarial present value of the fund obligations and expenses which is allocated to a valuation year by the actuarial cost method used for the fund.
(18) "Obligations" means the administrative expenses of the fund and the cost of covered health care expenses incurred on behalf of fund beneficiaries less any amounts received by or on behalf of fund beneficiaries.
(19) "State plan for other post-employment benefits" means the State of Georgia fiscal funding plan for retiree post-employment health care benefits as it relates to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 43 or any subsequent Governmental Accounting Standards Board statements that may be applicable to the fund.
(20) "Unfunded actuarial accrued liability" means for any actuarial valuation the excess of the actuarial accrued liability over the actuarial value of the assets of the fund under an actuarial cost method utilized by the fund for funding purposes.