(a) Each eligible individual in this state whose most recent creditable coverage was provided by a managed care organization shall be entitled to participate in the Georgia Health Benefits Assignment System (sometimes referred to as GHBAS in this chapter) created pursuant to this Code section. Each eligible individual in this state whose most recent creditable coverage was provided by an entity other than a managed care organization shall be entitled to participate in the Georgia Health Insurance Assignment System created pursuant to Code Section 33-29A-4.
(b) The Commissioner shall develop the GHBAS system which shall provide for the equitable assignment of eligible individuals who are entitled to and desirous of participating in the system to managed care organizations doing business in the state. Such assignment shall be based primarily on the pro rata volume of individual business done in this state by each such managed care organization and the geographic area or areas in the state normally served by a managed care organization. The system may include other factors for equitable assignment, as determined to be appropriate by the Commissioner. No managed care organization shall be required to provide coverage outside the geographic area or areas normally served by that managed care organization. However, where this geographic limitation makes it impossible to assign to a managed care organization its equitable share of eligible individuals, a managed care organization may be required by the Commissioner to contract for provision of coverage of eligible individuals, as provided for in Code Section 33-29A-6.
(c) Upon assignment of an eligible individual to a managed care organization, the eligible individual shall have the right to purchase and the managed care organization shall have the obligation to sell enrollment in either of the standard health benefit plans provided for in subsection (d) of this Code section at a premium not to exceed the maximum specified in said subsection.
(d) The Commissioner shall develop two standard health benefit plans to be provided by managed care organizations to which eligible individuals are assigned pursuant to this Code section. The actuarial value of the benefits under each such health benefit plan shall be at least 85 percent of the average actuarial value of the benefits provided by all health benefit plans issued in the individual market by all managed care organizations in the state. Except to the extent specifically provided to the contrary in this chapter, all laws of this state relating to the normal provision of such coverage in the individual market shall apply to the provision of such coverage under this chapter. The Commissioner shall fix a maximum premium to be charged for each such standard health benefit plan which shall be not more than 150 percent of the average premium which is or would be charged by all managed care organizations in the state for the same or similar coverage issued other than under this Code section, as determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may authorize a managed care organization to charge a premium in excess of said 150 percent maximum if and only if the managed care organization demonstrates to the Commissioner that the application of the 150 percent maximum would endanger the financial solvency of that managed care organization.
(e) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to require a managed care organization to offer to an eligible individual any coverage other than one of the two standard health benefit plans developed under subsection (d) of this Code section. Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to prohibit any managed care organization from offering to any individual any otherwise lawful coverage.