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U.S. State Codes
Title 22 - Eminent Domain
Chapter 2 - Condemnation Pr...
Article 2 - Proceeding Before Special Master
Article 2 - Proceeding Before Special Master
§ 22-2-100. "Condemning body" and "condemnor" defined
§ 22-2-101. Effect of article on other methods of condemnation; intent of article
§ 22-2-102. Filing of petition of condemnation; order for parties to appear before special master, make known their rights or interests, and other matters; time of hearing before special master; directions for notice and service thereof; attachment of process to petition; cause to proceed in rem
§ 22-2-102.1. Petitioning superior court for judgment in rem
§ 22-2-102.2. Contents of petition
§ 22-2-103. Appointment of special master -- Generally
§ 22-2-104. Appointment of special master -- Form to be used in appointing special master
§ 22-2-105. Appointment of special master -- Oath of special master
§ 22-2-106. Compensation of special master; allowance by judge of reasonable time for special master to inspect premises
§ 22-2-107. Service of process; award by special master and judgment of court conclusive as to right of condemnor to take or damage property or interest
§ 22-2-108. Powers and duties of special master generally
§ 22-2-108.1. Special master panel; selection; notice; powers and duties
§ 22-2-109. Factors to be considered in determining or estimating just and adequate compensation; determination of date of taking; inclusion of date of approval of original location of highway in petition for condemnation; newspaper advertisement
§ 22-2-110. Award of special master and special master panel -- Time of filing; award to become part of record of proceedings; vesting of title in condemnor upon deposit of award into court; form of award; use in subsequent appeal
§ 22-2-111. Award of special master or special master panel -- Incorporation of award into judgment of court
§ 22-2-112. Award of special master -- Appeal of award generally; condemnee's right to jury trial on issue of just and adequate compensation
§ 22-2-113. Award of special master or special master panel -- Effect of tender, payment, or acceptance of award on right of appeal; right of owners of separate and distinct parcels to file separate appeal; effect of discrepancy between award of special master and verdict of jury; issuance of execution upon award or judgment
§ 22-2-114. Effect of deposit of award into court registry; conflicting claims as to deposit