Chapter 578 - Seed
- 578.001 - Short Title.
- 578.011 - Definitions; Florida Seed Law.
- 578.012 - Preemption.
- 578.08 - Registrations.
- 578.09 - Label Requirements for Agricultural, Vegetable, Flower, Tree, or Shrub Seeds.
- 578.092 - Seed in Hermetically Sealed Containers.
- 578.10 - Exemptions.
- 578.11 - Duties, Authority, and Rules of the Department.
- 578.12 - Stop-Sale, Stop-Use, Removal, or Hold Orders.
- 578.13 - Prohibitions.
- 578.181 - Penalties; Administrative Fine.
- 578.22 - Disposition of Fees Collected.
- 578.23 - Records.
- 578.24 - Mixed Varieties of Seed Oats Prohibited.
- 578.25 - Use of Disclaimer Clause.
- 578.26 - Complaint, Investigation, Hearings, Findings, and Recommendation Prerequisite to Legal Action.
- 578.27 - Seed Investigation and Conciliation Council; Composition; Purpose; Meetings; Duties; Expenses.
- 578.29 - Prohibited Noxious Weed Seed.