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U.S. State Codes
Title XLVIII - K-20 Educati...
Chapter 1011 - Planning and...
Part I - Preparation, Adoption, and Implementat...
Part I - Preparation, Adoption, and Implementation of Budgets (Ss. 1011.01-1011.57)
1011.01 - Budget system established.
1011.011 - Legislative capital outlay budget request.
1011.012 - Annual capital outlay budget.
Subpart A - District School Boards:Preparation, Adoption, andImplementation of Budgets
Subpart B - Florida College System institutions:Preparation, Adoption, andImplementation of Budgets
Subpart C - Universities: Preparation,Adoption, and Implementation of Budgets
Subpart D - Florida School for the Deaf andthe Blind: Preparation, Adoption, andImplementation of Budgets