(a) The requirements and provisions of this chapter shall apply to and be binding upon the executive branch, the operating departments and agencies, including independent agencies of the District, Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, the Board of Elections and Ethics, the Zoning Commission, the Armory Board, the Public Service Commission, and the boards, commissions, and task forces whose memberships are appointed by the Mayor.
(b) The requirements and provisions of this chapter shall not be binding upon:
(1) The Council of the District of Columbia;
(2) The Board of Education;
(3) The District of Columbia Court of Appeals and the Superior Court of the District of Columbia; and
(4) The regional and national bodies in which the District participates as a member.
(Sept. 5, 1985, D.C. Law 6-19, § 16, 32 DCR 3590.)
1981 Ed., § 1-2914.
This section is referenced in § 2-1701.
Alcoholic beverage control, fines and penalties, see § 25-831.
Alcoholic beverage control, transportation, operation by intoxicated persons, fines and penalties, see § 25-1009.
Asbestos licensing and control, fines and penalties, civil infractions, see § 8-111.10.
Automobile consumer protection, used motor vehicles, damage and defect disclosure, fines and penalties, see § 50-505.
Barbed-wire fences, fines and penalties, see § 9-1213.04.
Board of health ordinances, fines and penalties, see § 7-176.
Bonding of home improvement businesses, penalties for violations, see § 47-2883.04.
Bonding of home improvement businesses, prosecutions, see § 47-2883.05.
Boxing and wrestling commission, violations of commission rules, penalties, see § 3-608.
Building regulations, flood hazards, fines and penalties, damages, see § 6-506.
Building regulations, flood hazards, smoke detectors, fines and penalties, see § 6-751.09.
Business corporations, entities conducting prosecution and civil actions, adjudication, see § 29-101.149.
Business corporations, failure to open books for inspection, fines and penalties, see § 29-201.28.
Business corporations, operation after revocation, fines and penalties, see § 29-101.124.
Business corporations, registered offices and agents, failure to maintain, fines and penalties, see § 29-101.129.
Business corporations, stockholders, books; fines and penalties, see § 29-201.27.
Business corporations, violations of Chapter 1 of Title 29, fines and penalties, see § 29-101.131.
Charitable solicitations, penalties and prosecutions, see § 44-1712.
Child development facilities, regulations, criminal and civil penalties, see § 7-2046.
Cigarette tax, failure to pay, penalties and sanctions, see § 47-2422.
Clinical laboratories, licenses, suspension or revocation, fines and penalties, injunctions, see § 44-212.
Commercial transactions, consumer protections, administrative enforcement, see § 28-3815.
Condominiums, registration and offering, fines and penalties, see § 42-1904.17.
Construction codes, fines and penalties, see § 6-1406.
Controlled substances, regulations of manufacture, distribution and dispensing, fines and penalties, see § 48-903.09.
Cooperative associations, false reports, fines and penalties, see § 29-939.
Cooperative associations, funds, restrictions, fines and penalties, see § 29-938.
Cooperative associations, reports, false statements, fines and penalties, see § 29-934.
Cooperative associations, use of term “cooperative,” fines and penalties, see § 29-937.
Cooperative associations, violations of rules or regulations, fines and penalties, see § 29-942.01.
Corporate documents, signatures, misstatements, fines and penalties, see § 29-101.151.
Domestic stock insurance companies, fines, penalties and fees, see § 31-603.
Drainage of lots, fines and penalties, neglect, see § 8-203.
Drug manufacture and distribution, licensure, fines and penalties, see § 48-712.
Elevators, regulation of construction, repair and operation; fines and penalties, see § 1-303.44.
Employment services licensing and regulation, fines and penalties, see § 32-414.
False “closing-out sales,” penalties and prosecutions, see § 47-2106.
Fire, casualty, and marine insurance, fines and penalties, adjudication of infractions, see § 31-2502.42.
Fire, casualty and marine insurance, fines and penalties, see § 31-2502.03.
Food and drugs, adulteration, criminal sanctions, fines and penalties, see § 48-109.
Foreign corporations, appointment of agents, adjudication of infractions, see § 29-101.99.
Funeral directors, penalties, see § 3-417.
Garbage, fines and penalties, unlawful disposal of combustible refuse, see § 8-708.
Hazardous waste management, fines and penalties, see § 8-1311.
Health, accident and life insurance companies or associations, fines and penalties, see § 31-5202.
Health occupations, penalties, alternative sanctions, see § 3-1210.09.
Health-care and community residence facilities, hospice and home care agencies; licensure, fines and penalties, see § 44-509.
Health-care and community residence facilities, penalties for unauthorized release of criminal information, see § 44-553.
Hearing aid dealers and consumers, certificates of registration, grounds for revocation and suspension, see § 28-4006.
Historic landmark and historic district protection, crimes and offenses, fines and penalties, see § 6-1110.
Horse-drawn carriage trade, regulations, fines and penalties, see § 8-2012.
Human tissue banks, penalties and prosecutions, see § 7-1541.04.
Insanitary buildings, condemnation, fines and penalties, see § 6-916.
Inspections, steam boilers, fines and penalties, see § 2-114.
Inspections, plumbers and gas fitters, licensing, fines and penalties, see § 2-135.
Institutions of learning, licenses and permits, conferring of degrees, fines and penalties, see § 29-619.
Insurance, holding companies, fines and penalties, infractions, willful violations, alternative sanctions, see § 31-710.
Insurance, violations of Chapters 42 through 47 of Title 31, fines and penalties, see § 31-4601.
Insurance companies, engaging in business without authorization, penalties and fines, see § 47-2604.
Lead-based paint, abatement and control, fines and penalties, civil infractions, see § 8-115.13.
License law, auctioneers, temporary licenses, failure to account, penalties, see § 47-2808.
License law, specific provisions, fines and penalties, see § 47-2846.
Licensure, clean hands requirement, prohibition against issuance of licenses, see § 47-2862.
Licensure, non-health related occupations and professions, fines and penalties, civil alternatives, see § 47-2853.29.
Life and fire insurance, reinsurance reserves, licenses, fines and penalties, see § 31-5201.
Limited liability companies, carrying on business after issuance of proclamation, see § 29-1068.
Lottery and charitable games control board; forged, counterfeit or altered tickets, see § 3-1333.
Mattresses, violations of law, fines and penalties, see § 8-505.
Money lenders, licenses, criminal sanctions, fines and penalties, see § 26-907.
Money transmissions, fines and penalties, see § 26-1021.
Motor vehicles, installment sales, fines and penalties, see § 50-607.
Natural disaster consumer protection, fines and penalties, see § 28-4103.
Nonprofit corporations, corporate instruments, misstatements, fines and penalties, see § 29-301.109.
Nonprofit corporations, foreign corporations, failure to procure certificates of authority, fines and penalties, see § 29-301.82.
Nonprofit corporations, operations after revocation, fines and penalties, see § 29-301.87.
Outdoor signs, licenses and fees, see § 1-303.22.
Outdoor signs, publication of regulations, fines and penalties, see § 1-303.23.
Pawnbrokers, penalties for violation, see § 47-2884.16.
Pharmacies, penalties and prosecutions, see § 47-2885.20.
Phosphate cleaners, restrictions, fines and penalties, criminal violations, see § 8-107.04.
Placement of children in family homes, fines and penalties, see § 4-1408.
Prescription drug price information, enforcement, liability, fines and penalties, see § 48-804.01.
Privies, fines and penalties, see § 8-604.
Professional corporations, fines and penalties, see § 29-420.
Professional engineers, unlawful acts, see § 47-2886.14.
Public auction permits, prosecutions, see § 47-2707.
Radon contractor proficiency, fines and penalties, see § 28-4203.
Real property settlements, penalties, see § 42-2407.
Rental housing, fines and penalties, see § 42-3509.01.
Rental housing conversion and sale, certificate or registration revocation, see § 42-3405.07.
Rental housing conversion and sale, statute and rule enforcements, fines and penalties, see § 42-3405.06.
Rental of airspace, rules and regulations, fines and penalties, see § 10-1121.10.
Retail service stations, notice of violations, fines and penalties, see § 36-302.05.
Security and fire alarm systems, regulations, fines and penalties, see § 7-2811.
Unauthorized bingo games, raffles, and Monte Carlo night parties, aiding or abetting, penalties, see § 3-1332.
Underground storage tank management, notice of violations, remedies for noncompliance, see § 8-113.09.
Uniform Limited Partnership Act of 1987, fines and penalties, see § 33-211.03.
Unsafe structures, fines and penalties, tax assessments, see § 6-805.
Unsafe structures, occupancy, fines and penalties, see § 6-808.
Veterinarians, penalties, see § 3-515.
Water pollution control, fines and penalties, see § 8-103.16.
Weeds, duty of removal, fines and penalties, see § 8-301.
Weights and measures, fines and penalties, see § 37-201.32.
Youth residential facilities licensures, enforcement and penalties, see § 7-2108.
Zoning and height of buildings, permits, certificates of occupancy, fines and penalties, see § 6-641.09.
Civil infractions, appeals, costs, see § 2-1803.02.
Consumer credit service organizations, penalties, see § 28-4607.
Consumer protection agency, see § 28-3902.
Dangerous dogs, penalties for infractions, see §§ 8-1906 and 8-2204.
False representation of age, providing to minors, see § 25-1002.
Health services planning, see § 44-416.
Interstate family support, modification of child support order of another state, jurisdiction, see § 46-306.13.
Long-term care ombudsman program, see § 7-704.01.
Natural disaster consumer protection, see § 28-4103.
Solid waste management and recycling, see § 8-1060.
Tobacco smoking, infractions, fines and penalties, see § 7-1706.
For temporary (90 day) amendment of section, see § 4 of National Capital Revitalization Corporation and Anacostia Waterfront Corporation Freedom of Information Emergency Amendment Act of 2007 (D.C. Act 17-29, April 19, 2007, 54 DCR 4077).
Section 4 of D.C. Law 17-16, in subsec. (a), substituted “Public Service Commission, the National Capital Revitalization Corporation, the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation,” for “Public Service Commission,”.
Section 6(b) of D.C. Law 17-16 provided that the act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.