(Effective March 1, 1984)
Prepared by the Mayor and transmitted to the Council of the District of Columbia on November 30, 1983, pursuant to the provisions of Section 422 (12) of the Charter of the District of Columbia.
I. Establishment There is hereby established, in the Executive Branch of the Government of the District of Columbia, a Department of Administrative Services under the supervision of a Director, who shall carry out the functions and authorities transferred or otherwise assigned to the Department, and who may re-delegate those functions and authorities.
II. Purpose The mission of the Department of Administrative Services is to issue regulations for the procurement, management and disposal of D.C. Government property, both real and personal, the procurement of contract services and the management of information resources, including automated systems, printing and copying; to provide a means for the Mayor to administer certain contracting and procurement authority vested in him by law; and, within the authority delegated by the Mayor, to provide a variety of administrative support services to D.C. Government agencies.
III. Functions The functions of the Department of Administrative Services shall be:
(A) To issue regulations for procurement of real estate, goods and services by D.C. Government agencies; for materiel handling including the warehousing, distribution and replacement of accountable and consumable property; for the disposal of D.C. Government property; and for employee travel, uniforms and allowances.
(B) To issue the District of Columbia procurement regulations for the establishment of policies and procedures concerning procurement and contracting, and for material handling, consistent with law.
(C) To acquire real property for D.C. Government use, by purchase or lease, and dispose of surplus real property; and to exercise other delegated procurement and property disposal authority delegated by the Mayor.
(D) To issue regulations for the requisition and use of information management resources by D.C. Government agencies, including hardware, software and contract services in the areas of data and word processing, telecommunications, printing and copying; review and approve all agency proposals concurred in by a Deputy Mayor for acquisition of such resources and services, and recommend approval to the City Administrator; coordinate the development of information management plans, standards, systems and procedures; and undertake projects to achieve the compatibility of information management methods and equipment throughout the D.C. Government.
(E) To issue regulations and standards for utilization by agencies of space in buildings and adjacent areas owned and leased by the D.C. Government; develop a D.C. Government wide plan for the use of such space by agencies; maintain inventory records for and control of such space and its usage; assist agencies to implement the space-use plans; and administer the employee parking program.
(F) To issue regulations and standards for, and to provide building services for D.C. Government owned and occupied buildings, including custodial services, security energy conservation, utilities management, maintenance inspection and planning, and repairs and non-structural improvements.
(G) To issue regulations and standards for, and to provide other administrative services to D.C. Government agencies, including, but not limited to mail, telephone, shuttle bus, central motor pool, and those warehousing functions as may be delegated by the Mayor.
IV. Transfer of Functions The following functions are hereby transferred to the Director of the Department of Administrative Services:
(A) All of the functions assigned, and authorities delegated to the Department of General Services and/or the Director thereof by section 31-301 et seq. of the D.C. Code (1981 Ed.), Order of the Commissioner No. 69-96 (March 7, 1969), Order of the Commissioner No. 69-116 (March 17, 1969), Mayor's Order 75-261 (December 15, 1975), as amended, and all other laws, regulations and orders; except the functions of the Department of General Services which have been transferred to the Department of Public Works pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1983. Concurrent authority for building repairs and improvement functions is included in Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1983, permitting a future transfer of all such functions and related resources and funds from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Administrative Services.
(B) All of the functions assigned and authorities delegated for the motor vehicle pool operation of the Department of Highways and Traffic by Order of the Commissioner No. 72-11 (January 13, 1972), and subsequently transferred to the Department of Transportation.
(C) All of the functions for District of Columbia Government-wide planning and issuance of regulations for computer and other information resource management, and authority to approve acquisition of hardware, software and contract services for information management; all as vested in the Mayor by Public Law 93-198 and other applicable laws. The functions of operating information processing systems shall continue to be carried out by agencies authorized by the Mayor to operate such systems.
(D) All of the functions for issuing regulations for employee travel and the provision by agencies of employee uniforms and allowances as vested in the Mayor by Public Law 93-198 and other applicable laws.
V. Other Transfers All positions, personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds available or to be made available relating to the functions set forth under Section IV above, are hereby transferred to the Department of Administrative Services.
VI. Organization The Director of the Department of Administrative Services is authorized to organize the personnel and property transferred herein within any organizational unit of the Department as the Director deems appropriate.
VII. Abolishment The following agency of the District of Columbia Government is hereby abolished on the effective date established for this plan pursuant to Section VIII below:
Department of General Services
The position of Director of the Department of General Services is also abolished on the same date.
VIII. Effective Date This Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1983 shall become effective pursuant to the promulgation of an executive order of the Mayor establishing the same no later than thirty (30) calendar days after this plan has been approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 422(12) of Public Law 93-198.
2001 Ed., Title 1, Chapter 15, Subchapter VI, Part E.