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U.S. State Codes
Title 3 - Agriculture
Chapter 101. HORSE RACING
Subchapter I Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commi...
Subchapter I Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commission
§ 10101 Composition, appointment, qualifications and term; Chairman and Secretary; compensation; vacancies and reappointment.
§ 10102 Removal of Commissioner from office.
§ 10103 Powers, duties and jurisdiction.
§ 10104 Oath and bond; failure to furnish.
§ 10105 Meetings; office; and quorum.
§ 10106 Secretary’s duties.
§ 10107 Employees.
§ 10108 Operational expenses; use of revenues; stewards; use of lottery revenues.
§ 10109 Annual report.
§ 10110 Administrative inspection warrants.