(a) (1) The payments to the Board of Pension Trustees referred to in § 1925(f) of this title for a county or municipality that has elected to participate in the state-administered County and Municipal Police/Firefighter Pension Plan in accordance with Chapter 88 of Title 11, shall be deposited into a special fund, to be managed by the State Board of Pension Trustees, to provide health insurance premiums for retired county and municipal police and firefighters. The State Board of Pension Trustees shall allocate the funds deposited in this special fund on an annual basis to provide up to 80% of the cost of retiree health insurance contingent on the availability of funds. The retiree’s premium would be the difference between the total cost and what is available from the special fund.
(2) The payments to the Board of Pension Trustees referenced in § 1925(f) of this title for the State Police shall be deposited into the Other Post-Employment Benefits Fund (OEPB) established by § 5281 of Title 29, to provide for the State’s health insurance premiums for retired State Police.
(b) Any funds on deposit in this special fund, including accumulated income, shall revert to the General Fund, if such funds are not utilized for retiree health insurance within 5 years from the date of deposit into the special fund.
79 Del. Laws, c. 373, § 2.