It is the intent of the General Assembly and the purpose of this section to promote the interests and well-being of residential and nonresidential patients of treatment facilities. It is declared to be the public policy of this State that the interests of the patient shall be protected by a declaration of a patient’s rights and by requiring that all facilities treat their patients in accordance with such rights, which, unless otherwise provided by state or federal law, shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Every patient shall have the right to receive considerate, respectful and appropriate care, treatment and services in compliance with relevant federal and state law and regulations, recognizing each person’s basic personal and property rights, which include dignity and individuality.
(2) Each patient or patient’s representative of such patient or resident shall, prior to or at the time of admission, receive a written statement of the services provided by the facility, including those required to be offered on an “as needed” basis, and a statement of related charges for services not covered under Medicare or Medicaid or not covered by the facility’s basic per diem rate. Upon receiving such statement, the patient and the patient’s representative shall sign a written receipt which must be retained by the facility in its files.
(3) After admission, the facility shall submit to the patient and the patient’s representative, on a timely basis not to exceed 3 calendar months, a written, itemized statement detailing in language comprehensible to the ordinary lay person the charges and expenses the patient incurred during the treatment period. The statement shall contain a description of specific services, equipment and supplies received and expenses incurred for each such item. The statement shall include an explanation of any items identified by code or by initials. The facility shall make reasonable efforts to communicate the contents of the individual written statement to persons who it has reason to believe cannot read the statement.
(4) Each patient or patient’s representative shall receive from the attending or resident physician or staff of the facility complete and current information concerning the patient’s diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in terms and language the patient can reasonably be expected to understand. The patient or patient’s representative shall participate in the planning of the patient’s medical treatment, including attendance at treatment plan meetings, shall be informed of the medical consequences of all medication and treatment alternatives, and shall give prior written informed consent to participation in any experimental research after a complete disclosure of the goals, possible effects on the patient, and whether or not the patient can expect any benefits or alleviation of the patient’s condition.
(5) The facility shall provide the name, address and telephone number of the primary staff person or physician responsible for the patient’s care.
(6) Each patient shall receive respect and privacy in the patient’s own medical care program. Case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment shall be confidential and shall be conducted discreetly. In the patient’s discretion, persons not directly involved in the patient’s care shall not be permitted to be present during such discussions, consultations, examinations or treatment except with the consent of the patient. Personal and medical records shall be treated confidentially and shall not be made public without the consent of the patient, except such records as are needed for a patient’s transfer to another health care institution or as required by law or third party payment contract. No personal or medical records shall be released to any person inside or outside the facility who has no demonstrable need for such records.
(7) Every patient shall be free from chemical and physical restraints imposed for purposes of discipline and convenience and not necessary to treat the patient’s medical condition.
(8) Every patient or patient’s representative shall receive from the administrator or staff of the facility a courteous, timely and reasonable response to requests, and the facility shall make prompt efforts to resolve grievances. Responses to requests and grievances shall be made in writing upon written request by the patient.
(9) Every patient or patient’s representative shall be provided with information as to any relationship the facility has with other health-care and related institutions and/or service providers, including, but not limited to, pharmacy and rehabilitation services, to the extent the patient is offered care and/or services from these related entities. Such information shall be provided in writing upon admission and thereafter when additional services are offered.
(10) Every patient shall receive reasonable continuity of care.
(11) Every patient may send and shall receive mail promptly, and shall have access at any reasonable hour to a telephone where the patient may speak privately, and shall have access to writing instruments, stationary and postage.
(12) Each patient has the right to manage personal financial affairs.
(13) Every patient has the right, personally or through other persons or in combination with others, to exercise patient rights; to present grievances; to recommend changes in facility policies or services on behalf of the patient or others; to present complaints or petitions to the facility’s staff or administrator, to the Division of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Mental Health, and, if the patient is a minor under the age of 18, to the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, or to other persons or groups without fear of reprisal, restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination.
(14) A patient shall not be required to perform services for the facility.
(15) Every patient shall have the right to inspect all records pertaining to that patient’s own self, upon oral or written request. If a patient requests records to assist with preparation of any court hearing under this chapter, such records will be supplied on an expeditious basis.
(16) All patients shall be fully informed, in language they can understand, of their rights and all rules and regulations governing patient conduct and their responsibilities during the stay at the facility. Every patient shall be directed to a prominent place within the facility where a listing of the patient’s rights are posted. The facility shall guarantee that a current list of patient’s rights are always posted in a highly visible and accessible place.
(17) Every patient shall have the right to receive information from agencies acting as client advocates and be afforded the opportunity to contact those agencies without reprisal.
(18) Every patient shall be free from verbal, physical or mental abuse, cruel and unusual punishment, involuntary seclusion, withholding of monetary allowance, withholding of food and deprivation of sleep.
(19) Every patient has the right to participate in an ongoing program of activities designed to meet, in accordance with personal assessments and plan of care, the patient’s interests and physical, mental and psychosocial well-being.
(20) Every patient shall have the right to participate in social, religious and community activities that do not interfere with the patient’s treatment plan or the rights of other patients or residents.
(21) Every patient shall have the right to request and receive the names and positions of staff members providing care to the patient.
(22) Every patient shall have the right to request and receive an organizational chart outlining the facility’s chain of command for purposes of making requests and asserting grievances.
(23) Where a patient is a minor under the age of 18 years and the patient did not consent to treatment under this chapter, the patient’s rights shall devolve to a parent, legal custodian, relative caregiver or legal guardian, as appropriate.
(24) A patient’s care and treatment shall be provided in a setting and under conditions which restrict the patient’s personal liberty only to the extent required by the patient’s treatment needs, applicable law, and judicial orders.
(25) The rights described in this section are in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other constitutional, statutory, or regulatory rights.
73 Del. Laws, c. 358, § 2.