Whenever any trust (a “transferor trust”) is merged with and into another trust (the “transferee trust”):
(1) The separate existence of the transferor trust shall cease and the transferee trust shall possess all of the rights and privileges, and shall be subject to all of the obligations of, the transferor trust;
(2) All of the property (including title to any real property vested by deed or otherwise) and other interests of the transferor trust shall be thereafter treated as effectively the property and interests of the transferee trust as they were the property and interests of the transferor trust prior to the merger;
(3) No such property or interests shall revert or be in any way impaired by reason of the merger;
(4) In cases where the initial funding of the transferee trust occurs by reason of the merger, unless the governing instrument of the transferee trust expressly states that 1 or more powers of appointment exercisable over the property of the transferor trust shall not be exercisable over the property of the transferee trust:
(5) In cases where the initial funding of the transferee trust occurs prior to the merger, any power of appointment exercisable over property of either trust participating in the merger shall, following the merger, be exercisable over property of the transferee trust only to the extent expressly provided by the terms of the instrument of merger or other written documents effecting the merger; provided, however, that if any person holds substantially identical powers of appointment over all of the property of each trust participating in the merger, such person's power of appointment over the property of the transferee trust shall be exercisable over all of the property of the transferee trust following the merger unless the instrument of merger or other written document effecting the merger expressly provides otherwise.
Furthermore, all rights of creditors and all liens upon the property of the transferor trust shall be preserved unimpaired and all debts, liabilities, and duties of the transferor trust shall thenceforth attach to the transferee trust and may be enforced against the transferee trust to the same extent as if the transferor trust’s debts, liabilities, and duties had been incurred or contracted by the transferee trust. Except to the extent provided in paragraph (5) of this section, the terms of the governing instrument of the transferee trust shall, following the merger, control the administration and disposition of the property of the transferee trust, including any such property obtained by the transferee trust by reason of the merger. Furthermore, any transaction in which all of the property of a trust is appointed or otherwise transferred to another trust or to the same trust as modified after such appointment, whether pursuant to § 3528 of this title, the terms of a governing instrument or otherwise, shall be treated as a merger within the meaning of this section with the appointing or transferring trust and the recipient trust treated as a transferor trust and transferee trust, respectively, for purposes of applying the provisions of this section to the transaction. This section is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to grant to any trustee a right or power to merge trusts but rather this section is intended only to describe certain consequences of a trust merger in cases where the merger is authorized by other applicable law. Except as expressly provided in clause (ii) of paragraph (4) of this section, this section is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to address the validity or effect of any instrument in writing, executed prior to a trust merger, purporting to exercise a power of appointment over property of any trust participating in a trust merger.
80 Del. Laws, c. 153, § 3; 81 Del. Laws, c. 149, § 1; 81 Del. Laws, c. 320, § 4; 82 Del. Laws, c. 52, § 1.