(a) Applications for an inspection and readjustment station license, an inspection-only facility license, a fleet inspection station license, a motor vehicle dealer test facility license, an emissions inspector license, an enhanced inspection center license, or an emissions mechanic's license shall be made on forms prescribed by the executive director.
(b) No inspection and readjustment station license, inspection-only facility license, fleet inspection station license, motor vehicle dealer test facility license, or enhanced inspection center license shall be issued unless the executive director finds that the facilities of the applicant are of adequate size and properly equipped as provided in subsection (3) of this section, that a licensed inspector or emissions mechanic, whichever is applicable, is or will be available to make such inspection, and that the inspection and readjustment procedures will be properly followed based upon established performance criteria pursuant to section 42-4-306 (4)(c).
(2) No inspection or adjustments shall be made pursuant to the automobile inspection and readjustment program nor certification of emissions control issued unless the owner or operator of the inspection and readjustment station, inspection-only facility, fleet inspection station, motor vehicle dealer test facility, or enhanced inspection center at which such inspection is made or such adjustments or repairs are performed as required has been issued, and is then operating under, a valid inspection and readjustment station license, inspection-only facility license, fleet inspection station license, motor vehicle dealer test facility license, or a contract for an authorized enhanced inspection center and has one or more licensed emissions inspectors or emissions mechanics employed as required, one of whom shall have made the inspection for which said certification has been issued.
(3) No inspection and readjustment station license, inspection-only facility license, fleet inspection station license, motor vehicle dealer test facility license, or contractor's contract shall be issued or executed unless the station or contractor has proper equipment to meet licensing, facility, or contractorapproval requirements. Such equipment shall include all test equipment approved by the commission to perform emissions inspections corresponding to the type of licensed or approved facility together with such auxiliary tools, equipment, and testing devices as are required by the commission by rule.
(a) No emissions inspector license or emissions mechanic license shall be issued to any applicant unless said applicant has completed the required training, has demonstrated necessary skills and competence in the inspection of motor vehicles by passing the written certification test developed by the commission and administered by the department of public health and environment, and has demonstrated such skill and competence as a prerequisite to initial licensing by the department of revenue.
(b) The department of revenue shall monitor emissions inspector and emissions mechanic activities at inspection and readjustment stations, inspection-only facilities, fleet inspection stations, motor vehicle dealer test facilities, and enhanced inspection centers during periodic performance audits conducted as prescribed by section 42-4-305.
(c) An emissions inspector or emissions mechanic license may be revoked in accordance with section 42-4-305 if the licensee is not in compliance with the minimum performance criteria set forth by the commission or the department of revenue.
(d) Licenses shall be valid for two years.
(e) Emissions inspector and emissions mechanic license renewal shall be subject to the requirements set forth by the commission through rule and regulation.