(1) and (2) Repealed.
(3) The Colorado department of transportation shall work with the department of public health and environment to identify locations that may accommodate unmanned remote sensing devices without causing a safety hazard.
(4) The commission shall evaluate options for increasing the number of vehicles passing a test under the clean screen program, including, but not limited to:
(a) The reduction of the number of remote sensing measurements per vehicle;
(b) Additional remote sensing devices and sites;
(c) Expanded hours of operation; and
(d) Additional staffing.
(5) The department of public health and environment shall work with the contractor to minimize false test results and shall track and report to the commission its progress in minimizing false test results on or before March 31 of each year.
(6) The commission shall determine the criteria used for the measurement of vehicle emissions needed to comply with the clean screen program, which criteria shall include, but are not limited to, the pollutants measured, acceptable levels of the measured pollutants, and failure rates. Criteria adopted by the commission for the clean screen program shall meet environmental protection agency requirements.
(7) to (11) Repealed.
(12) Photographs of a vehicle taken by a remote sensing device in order to capture an image of a vehicle's license plate shall be limited to the rear of the vehicle. No attempts shall be made by a remote sensing device to photograph a vehicle's driver.
(13) Repealed.