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U.S. State Codes
Title 42 - Vehicles and Tra...
Regulation of Vehicles and ...
Article 4 - Regulation of V...
Part 2 - Equipment
Part 2 - Equipment
§ 42-4-201. Obstruction of view or driving mechanism - hazardous situation
§ 42-4-202. Unsafe vehicles - penalty - identification plates
§ 42-4-203. Unsafe vehicles - spot inspections
§ 42-4-204. When lighted lamps are required
§ 42-4-205. Head lamps on motor vehicles
§ 42-4-206. Tail lamps and reflectors
§ 42-4-207. Clearance and identification
§ 42-4-208. Stop lamps and turn signals
§ 42-4-209. Lamp or flag on projecting load
§ 42-4-210. Lamps on parked vehicles
§ 42-4-211. Lamps on farm equipment and other vehicles and equipment
§ 42-4-212. Spot lamps and auxiliary lamps
§ 42-4-213. Audible and visual signals on emergency vehicles
§ 42-4-214. Visual signals on service vehicles
§ 42-4-215. Signal lamps and devices - additional lighting equipment
§ 42-4-216. Multiple-beam road lights
§ 42-4-217. Use of multiple-beam lights
§ 42-4-218. Single-beam road-lighting equipment
§ 42-4-219. Number of lamps permitted
§ 42-4-220. Low-power scooters - lighting equipment - department control - use and operation
§ 42-4-221. Bicycle and personal mobility device equipment
§ 42-4-222. Volunteer firefighters - volunteer ambulance attendants - special lights and alarm systems
§ 42-4-223. Brakes
§ 42-4-224. Horns or warning devices
§ 42-4-225. Mufflers - prevention of noise
§ 42-4-226. Mirrors - exterior placements
§ 42-4-227. Windows unobstructed - certain materials prohibited - windshield wiper requirements
§ 42-4-228. Restrictions on tire equipment
§ 42-4-229. Safety glazing material in motor vehicles
§ 42-4-230. Emergency lighting equipment - who must carry
§ 42-4-231. Parking lights
§ 42-4-232. Minimum safety standards for motorcycles and low-power scooters
§ 42-4-233. Alteration of suspension system
§ 42-4-234. Slow-moving vehicles - display of emblem
§ 42-4-235. Minimum standards for commercial vehicles - motor carrier safety fund - created - definition - rules
§ 42-4-236. Child restraint systems required - definitions - exemptions
§ 42-4-237. Safety belt systems - mandatory use - exemptions - penalty
§ 42-4-238. Blue and red lights - illegal use or possession
§ 42-4-239. Misuse of a wireless telephone - definitions - penalty - preemption
§ 42-4-240. Low-speed electric vehicle equipment requirements
§ 42-4-241. Unlawful removal of tow-truck signage - unlawful usage of tow-truck signage42-4-241. Unlawful removal of tow-truck signage - unlawful usage of tow-truck signage
§ 42-4-242. Automated driving systems - safe harbor