(a) All machinery, equipment, and vehicles, except bicycles, electrical assisted bicycles, and other human-powered vehicles, designed to operate or normally operated at a speed of less than twenty-five miles per hour on a public highway shall display a triangular slow-moving vehicle emblem on the rear.
(b) The department shall set standards for a triangular slow-moving emblem for use on low-speed electric vehicles.
(c) Bicycles, electrical assisted bicycles, and other human-powered vehicles shall be permitted but not required to display the emblem specified in this subsection (1).
(2) The executive director of the department shall adopt standards and specifications for such emblem, position of the mounting thereof, and requirements for certification of conformance with the standards and specifications adopted by the American society of agricultural engineers concerning such emblems. The requirements of such emblem shall be in addition to any lighting device required by law.
(3) The use of the emblem required under this section shall be restricted to the use specified in subsection (1) of this section, and its use on any other type of vehicle or stationary object shall be prohibited.
(4) Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class B traffic infraction.